OpenPLi 4.0
(For Lonrison v4 flashed Solo2 clones only)
(Now with OE-A's AutoBouquetMaker)
Sky looking setup
Source Date: 05/09/15
Kernel: 3.13.5
This is a backup of OpenPLi designed to mimic Sky where possible. I have added MGCamD 1.38 (along with mg_cfg config file), Picons, Sky.New v2.5 skin and Sky 'Believe in Better' bootlogo.
I have re-mapped red button to display EPG and green button to display recorded(movies) list. EPG screen has been modified to improve user experience! The EPG keys are:-
(For Lonrison v4 flashed Solo2 clones only)
(Now with OE-A's AutoBouquetMaker)
Sky looking setup
Source Date: 05/09/15
Kernel: 3.13.5

This is a backup of OpenPLi designed to mimic Sky where possible. I have added MGCamD 1.38 (along with mg_cfg config file), Picons, Sky.New v2.5 skin and Sky 'Believe in Better' bootlogo.
I have re-mapped red button to display EPG and green button to display recorded(movies) list. EPG screen has been modified to improve user experience! The EPG keys are:-
< and > = switch between each bouquet (Entertainment, Movies, Sports, etc)
Red = Record (ie Add Timer)
Green = AutoTimer (autotimer plugin needs to be installed)
Yellow = -24 hours
Blue = +24 hours
Long Blue = EPG Search (epgsearch plugin needs to be installed)
EPG data and timeshift are set to save to HDD but can be changed.
With AutoBouquetMaker, your bouquets/channels are set to update at 6am each day followed by EPG update at 6.02am. Alternatively, @Rat's Bouquet List and Picon plugins are installed.
You just need to change region within AutoBouquetsMaker and add your CWS line to newcamd.list (saved in /var/keys).
I recommend backing up your current image first before flashing with this image, and ideally, doing a USB flash of this image with no restore of settings.
Online update is possible as this image has the driver version patch and drivers write-protected. Any updates done are at your own risk!
Due to these drivers being old (no newer drivers available), some features may not be available or work fully.
Credit goes OE-A team who coded and maintain the AutoBouquetMaker (ABM) and to Sim2 for their continued support. Thanks also go to chababu for the Sky.New skin and whomever designed the bootlogo. Any copyright is hereby acknowledged.
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