smoking to be banned in england


Inactive User
Jul 11, 2001
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just of the media wire

smoking to be banned in england in resturants most bars and the work place
Happy days I say :)

Don't agree with a total ban, should always be areas for smokers, but it's long overdue especially were food is served.

It is npt going to be a totral Ban...

Pubs areg going to be able, to get a License, to alllow smoking, as long as they can be seen in trying to help the non-smokers
What are they gonna ban next. The government keep interfering in our everyday live's more and more
No been thinking and if they wont to get into our life's so much telling us what to do they should also ban drinks,fast food, sugar, drugs and I mean all drugs, petrol, diesel feck ban everything.

I just wont to see what the Do-Gooders would do then. I'm thinking their that fecking brain-dead they'd start wanting them back
Can't wait 4 the day they do it. Just don't do a ban on Chocolate
what about a sex ban?
My wife has had me on one for 2 months now so the rest of you lucky feckers could see what its like to be deprived.

i agree to ban it where you eat, their is nothing worse than breathing smoke when your enjoying a meal!

dont ban in pubs though im not a smoker but if i have a beer a fag is fantastic with a beer :)

but i wont have a smoke all week but once i have a beer on a friday i feel like buying ten lol

all this will achieve is having 20 blokes outside the pub every 20 mins lol
They say that the reason they are banning smoking in pubs, is because that it is harmfull to the staff and that they have no choice in being there, fair enough. But I am a smoker and whenever i go without cigs i get very ratty and generally aggressive. I also can get pretty agressive when drunk, I'm sure i'm not the only one. So i'm thinking a pub with a lot of drunk and irritated people doesn't that safe to me. Just a thought thats all.
I cant imagine this going down well, imagine trying to kick some drunken idiot out of a pub because they started smoking, and with the recent "Must be licencend" door staff law also in effect recently, all hell would break loose with no one to step in and stop it...
what's it going to be like in a place like newcastle or manchester on a saturday night with hundreds outside pubs and clubs for a smoke some asshole walks up and says give us a fag you tell him to feck off all hell breaks loose think the police have enough to do without giving them more work on pub patrol it is bad enough here in glasgow on the buses tell somebody to put a fag out they tell you to feck off drivers don't want to get involved they say they are only there to drive the bus some will stop the bus and say they will only move if the person smoking puts the ciggie out they just finish the fag and shout to the driver he can go even heard a guy saying it's ok for him to smoke because it's not a real fag it's a joint and it keeps him calm if they can not last on a 20 minute bus ride how are they going to be able to do without in a pub tell them to go outside they will say feck off.
Mickie D said:
all this will achieve is having 20 blokes outside the pub every 20 mins lol

exactly what are these to$$er polititions gonna do when they want a cigar after there meal, can't see them being happy needing to go out side for one.

what the hell gives the government the right to tell pub owners and park owners that no-one can smoke in there pub or park. if you ask me it's a load of boolocks, the government get over 50% of there revenue from smokers but yet they wanna ban it all together so where the hell will they get the money from what there gonna loose??

hit the motorist or the drinker ??? like they already do.
i smoke and i think where food is served it should banned in
but in a pub its ok as i want a cig and a drink at the same time i cant go outside with a open bottle or pint as i could be fined for drinking on the street all we need is a sign on the door saying "this pub operates a non smoking policy" or something like and i wouldnt go in there or lets have a smoke room like proper pubs used to have with a extractor fan in ! :)