Michael Jackson Death Officially Homicide Now


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Jan 14, 2002
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Michael Jackson's death 'a homicide'


© ITN 2009

Michael Jackson's body contained lethal levels of a powerful sedative at the time of his death, court documents have revealed.
It has also been reported that the Los Angeles County coroner has ruled Jackson's death a homicide.
Captain John Kades, of the coroner's department, said he was not in a position to confirm or deny the report.
He added: "We have not released any information on the Jackson case. We do not know where this information is coming from."
A search warrant made public in Houston disclosed that a high dosage of the anaesthetic propofol was in the late singer's system when he died at his rented Los Angeles property on June 25.
Police investigating Jackson's death have reportedly been working on the theory that the singer's personal doctor, Conrad Murray, administered the medication to help Jackson sleep hours before he collapsed.

i think we all new something had gone on, but we wasn't sure what, now we know it was drugs.... :)

But surely they have been hasty ruling out accidental death, or even manslaughter?

There is a possibility the bloke was going 'Doc shopping' - a common practice in the US for people wanting more than their fare share of pills.

The problem is, how can you be sure of mens rea if the guy was being topped up here there and everywhere?

Unless there is clear motive (his estate).
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The police found bottles of propofol all over the place and news reports say that on the night of his death he had tried valium and other medication to get him to sleep.
He had allegedly been using fake ids and email addresses to get more drugs!
So basically he was a junkie who overdosed.

Would all this fuss have been made if he was just an average guy?
id like to shake the hand of the man who gave him the fatal injection
Would all this fuss have been made if he was just an average guy?

probably not, but then i dont think many people can just get hold the stuff that he was on and pay the amount of $$$ that he was paying..