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why were the coretech sacare threads closed !!

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why were the coretech scare threads closed !!

I cant believe that these threads were closed !! no disrespect to you fes as a moderator..i couldnt help notice that you are a console mod and it should have been the job of rat to close the thread, you stated that the thread starter asked for it to be closed, the thread starter was nickembleton and he did not ask for it to be closed...please, this is not a flame on you.

The bare fact is, this guy come on here spreading his crap...he has also been verified as stating this elsewhere.....

Why is it, that VM, who are having to use STM to keep their network

Allowing sites like https://www.digitalworldz.co.uk

He is blatantly causing trouble for this forum and yet remains a member here...

I feel that anyone else involved with the threads would agree that he was not abused or personally attack, he was certainly flamed and rightly so...i personally think he should be banned.

Anyone else care to comment on this and please do not start with any insults or the like that might get this thread closed as well...i am an advocate of freedom of speech.

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yep i agree i think he should also be banned... lifetime ban. He has posted on the publicly open net that this site is giving illegal advice....that on its own should be enough.
Yep thats right i did not request for the thread to be closed and what was said in the thread was appropriate in my opinion
If a moderator has chosen to close a thread, it gets closed and they don't need to give a reason why. It's the mods job to keep the forum running smoothly.

This matter is being dealt with.

Threads very rarely get closed on DW but if they do it's for the good of the forum.
I think everyone could see the threads for what they were, everything that needed to be said was said, if they had gone any further they would have turned into a free for all of abuse
Yep, i fully understand that devilfish and as stated this is NOT a flaming thread against any mods, fes closed the thread at the starters request, this was his reason for doing so, he was assuming it was coretech that started the thread and in fact it wasnt.

I am confident that the member is being dealt with fairly and justly.
Ban isnt worth the trouble, but would of been nice if a mod could of just replied to the last post I made with his IP and confirmed it was him.

Then it would just show that there are people on here who pretend to be techs and know it all when really theyre just a nobody trying to stir trouble.
i think it was good he was caught out but also agree entirely with the mods decision to close the thread, this is the friendliest forum around.
mind you i cracked up when i just viewed coretechs profile, the words 'CoreTech does not currently have any friends' just jump out you :)
Sounds to me like justice is going to be served, please keep us poted as to the outcome.

Thank you
well if ips match i am not going to flame him, but he should be given a warning about not spreading dw name everywhere,
Kind of kicked himself in the nuts posting his email address on the newsgroup post, and then had the cheek to say I made it, LMFAO as if I would be that stupid to login to my account and make an account and then make a post like that.

My oh my all we can do is rofl at the bloke. I feel sorry for him, being caught like that and then he tried to say it wasnt him who made the post, can you honestly flame somebody that stupid?
He may of chosen a stupid way to put his argument across but he did raise some valid points.

I sometimes get the feeling that certain people dont like being reminded of the inherant risks associated with cloned modems. Just because VM have chosen not to do anything at the moment (apparently) does not mean that they are unable to do something if they put their minds to it.

Contrary to popular belief, there are actually some pretty clever network engineers working for VM. If you were ever to go up against these guys I know who my money would be on.........
I feel like settining up 50 modems an running them all at once lol, they'll never take me alive pmsl.

But seriously the methods for getting caught have all been posted in the first thread. Like I say the cable network is just a big splitter once the fiber optic hits the mux, it's split an thats that. I'm not saying you won't get caught but the chances are very slim. Seriously does anybody know of someone thats been caught out for running their clone?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here an say it's completely impossible to be caught via remote, unless you fail to take simple precautions, such as spoofing NIC's ect. The only way you can be traced to your home is by a tech physically tracing the cable via the methods I described previously and I stand by what I've said.

The cheaper way for them to put a stop to cloners is Firmware & Software updates, but that still doesn't stop their real problem of stopping the dtv hackers (For now anyway)
i closed the thread as i asumed it was coretech was the thread starter but im not going to reopen it as other mods have said it will get out of hand .etc

even though im a console mod i still have a responsability as a mod:

so if i see a thread (anywere in the forum) and its gettin out of hand or its against the rules i can close it or delete it and issue bans and warnings

and as fellow mods have said i dont need to explain why, but i always prefer members knowing why i closed a thread

and that 1 was gettin out of hand... im not bothered if he thinks he's bill gates or somthing

but flameing members is not right

and he will be dealt with accordingly

and a little advice for u all is to read nozzers post carefully

he know alot more about cable than anyone else on here (i think)

but as he said some people think they will never get caught but u will

it can be as simple as puttin a check in the system to check the ubr the mac is on and then check the config against the 1 on the account (sub)

and if it dont match up then it gets flagged and passed on to techies or the fraud prevention team to investigate or monitor further.

i have learned quite alot from nozzers old and recent posts

and u dont have to be a genius to understand that they can catch u but 4 some reason i aint heard of a person gettin caught with a dodgy modem.

but loads of peeps been caught with dodgy boxs .etc
yer, well put fes....i think there are to many of us for them to watch, im with cableguy on this and the big splitter theory.
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