David Beckham


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Feb 2, 2006
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We Don't Do Walking Away. I would rather die with

David Beckham is to leave Real Madrid at the end of the season and sign a five-year deal with Major League Soccer's Los Angeles Galaxy.
Your view - Beckham's LA switch
The former England captain is to quit Madrid when his contract runs out in June after agreeing a deal worth £128million.
He will kick-off the new MLS season in August.
Beckham said in a statement: "This week, Real Madrid asked me to make a decision regarding my future and the offer to extend my contract by a further two seasons.

"After discussing several options with my family and advisers to either stay here at Madrid or join other major British and European clubs, I have decided to join the Los Angeles Galaxy and play in the MLS from August this year.

"I would like to thank the supporters and people of Madrid who have made my family and I feel so welcome in my time here, making this an extremely difficult decision to make.

"I have enjoyed my time in Spain enormously and I am extremely grateful to the club for giving me the opportunity to play for such a great team and their amazing fans.

"I am proud to have played for two of the biggest clubs in football and I look forward to the new challenge of growing the world's most popular game in a country that is as passionate about its sport as my own.

"For the rest of this season I will continue to give 100 per cent to my coach, team mates and fans as I believe Fabio Capello will bring this club and its supporters the success they truly deserve."

The announcement comes after days of speculation over Beckham's future with a host of clubs across Europe linked with the former England captain.
Major League Soccer spokesman Dan Courtemanche says Beckham's representatives have been in Los Angeles discussing a switch to the US for some time.
"AEG, and specifically the Los Angeles Galaxy from MLS, are speaking to his representatives… He has a relationship with AEG, which owns the Los Angeles Galaxy, he is partners with them in his academy," Courtemanche added.
"(Talks started this month) under Fifa guidelines from January 1."

AEG are one of the most influential companies in United States soccer, and own the LA Galaxy, Chicago Fire and Houston Dynamo franchises and this week sold DC United
he may have lost it a bit, but he's gonna rip it up in the states there all shit!
Beckham joins LA Galaxy for 128 million pounds and wage of £492,000 per week is football going crazy
they should cap players wages beckham got a cheek2 defend himsel sayn why we aw no its for the doh
players wages are currently caped in usa but thats changing as of next season when becks is joining
Remember guys this is not only his wage but also the rights to his image.

He is not getting this money solely for playing football but also for the club then owning his image.
OMG... talk about overpaid. He may be a good playa but noone in the world justifys that pay package not even Beckham
he's just a greedy fecker not like he needs the money anyway is it

Yeah but if you can earn it, good luck to the block! Remember he is getting ona bit ans cant play footbaklk formuch longer. that 5 years will be his last!
totally obscene amount of money to pay any individual. he is in the bloomin reserves with real as well. personally i think the guys a knob and totally over-rated

I'm sure he would've preferred to stay at Real for another couple of years, but not as a bit player coming off the bench, instead he's had to accept that his top level career is over. Now he's off to the states to cash in and good luck to him. I hope he makes a success of it.

As to the money, he's not getting it for being a great footballer, he's getting it for bringing in additional revenue, if he boosts the club's profits why shouldn't he get a share? And the US is a huge and incredibly rich marketplace.
totally obscene amount of money to pay any individual. he is in the bloomin reserves with real as well. personally i think the guys a knob and totally over-rated


totally agree lainie he's past it. even in his prime all he was good at was free kicks and crossing in. now he's past it he's off to a crap league to earn big bucks.

apparantly he's keeping his rights in the usa where as real wanted his rights thats why he fooked off
have a day off turn of your tv

sick, I hate salibrity status bullshit, they are just dowing there job like everone elce, its all geting realy silly
Money is not my motive - Beckham

Money is not my motive - Beckham

David Beckham insists his move to LA Galaxy is not financially driven.
The 31-year-old will earn a reported £128m over five years after agreeing to leave Real Madrid for the Major League Soccer side at the end of the season.

totally obscene amount of money to pay any individual. he is in the bloomin reserves with real as well. personally i think the guys a knob and totally over-rated


totally agree with you.

most over rated player in football. he aint worth that amount of money.
Actually if I remember correctly, the reason they capped players wages in the states is because the last time they brought big money stars (Pele, Cryuff, beckenbauer etc etc) to the US league, it destroyed it? Maybe there's a bit more interest these days? £500K per week is OTT though. Anything to keep the missus happy. I wonder if he would of signed for, lets say "Wyoming FC"......lol