Trick or Treating


Worldz Biggest Oddball
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Colorado Lounge
Has it gone out of fashion? My door hasn't been knocked for many a year. :)
Got loads last year, ran out of sweets and had to start handing shrapnel out😬
Quite a lot the last few years, usually very young kids accompanied by their parents.

We used to get a lot of teenage chancers who didn't even bother to dress up a few years back, but none recently.
I had some young kid knock at my door last night he said, "TRICK OR TREAT !". I said, "What have you come as ?" He said, "A werewolf". I said "A werewolf ??, your in your school uniform !", the young lad replied, "I know, It's not fookin midnight yet !!"
We got absolutely inundated last year... I usually stop home and give the treats out and other half and kid go out but he's now 14 and realises that its more fun to be at home to give the treats out.
Talking of chancers lol, a few years back, my brother had a knock on the door Xmas time, and a guy pushing 30 started singing a carol to him. FFS lol
Maybe try a different dress dar.

I always do the Trick...
I open the door say Trick, then say "now you see me," quickly shut the door and shout "now you don`t" ;)
Although we have plenty from what we can remember numbers that visited where down on last year.
Only really young uns round our way, all dressed up, with their parents, only chapping on the doors of houses that had made some effort at around 6 o'clock or so.
On my Mum's estate it's very different, with lazy teenagers in the rubber masks they won at the local fair knocking on every door on the estate 'til 10pm expecting something for nothing.

@dar - you sound disappointed m8, like you're sat there with a good trick all set up waiting for a victim :)

One of my old teachers rigged up an old vaccuum as a flour cannon and blasted us one year :eek:
Only really young uns round our way, all dressed up, with their parents, only chapping on the doors of houses that had made some effort at around 6 o'clock or so.
On my Mum's estate it's very different, with lazy teenagers in the rubber masks they won at the local fair knocking on every door on the estate 'til 10pm expecting something for nothing.

@dar - you sound disappointed m8, like you're sat there with a good trick all set up waiting for a victim :)

One of my old teachers rigged up an old vaccuum as a flour cannon and blasted us one year :eek:
Haha, no i haven't got a trick ready lol, it's just strange. I have good memories of when i was a kid, Halloween, bon fire night etc (always out on the street rain or shine) bur nowadays, there's nobody out. They don't know what they're missing (best fun ever)
It's a nice safe area where i live (polite society lol)