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Reduce sugar intake?


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VIP Member
Nearing 30, I've decided I need to reduce the amount of simple sugars I consume - I suffer from mild anxiety and diabetes runs in the family.

I've a sweet tooth, but the bulk of my sugar intake is from drinks (Dr Pepper in particular). I like a smoothie, but they are not cheap to drink on a regular basis and still contain simple sugars (fructose). I don't really want to replace sugar with aspartame (the sweetner most manufacturers seem to use in the UK), plus I can taste the difference between the sugared and sugar free versions anyway. However, I don't like coffee, black tea or unflavoured water.

I've never tried green teas. Any suggestions for someone with a sweet tooth but also likes bitter and sour foods?
i drink unflavoured water m8 it does take some geting used to but u will definatley feel the difference after a few weeks.
you can get to like anything , so go for the water that huggi said.
u just need to stick to it, it will be hard to change but hay life is hard lol
I use to be the same, all i drunk was cola and lucozade by the pint.

I never use to like water, but i started drinking decent bottled water and what a difference its made. Its hard at first but you get use to it, now all i drink is water or alcohol lol. Its got to be ice cold and bottled water, still cant drink tap water, just seems to taste iffy.

If not, what about sugar free diluting juice?
Too much sugar causes anxiety? Didn't know that i drink loads of coffe too.
I don't want sound like I'm belittling what can be quite a debilitating condition, obviously some people are going to be prone to anxiety attacks regardless of their sugar intake. So it's probably more accurate to say "linked to anxiety", rather than definitively causes. Much like some people with a high sugar intake can develop insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, whilst others with an even higher consumption don't.

It's also probably fair to say I could stand to lose a few pounds - 6'0", approx 15 stone, 36" waist. So I'm hoping it'll help there too.
If you decide to drink water, why not just drink tap water. Bottled water is expensive and has usually been lying in warehouses for ages so is definitely not fresh, lets be truthful it's a fashion accessory.
Remember this when you think of buying bottled water - One of the best known and popular bottled waters is EVIAN - which backwards reads NAIVE. Says it all !!!
Like the others have said, there isn't much you can do about it but get out of the habit. The Sweet Tooth thing is sort of like an excuse people use to not look at the problem and just excuse it on 'genetics'.

So it will help you to get out of that mindset and except that you can change it but you will have to show a bit of willpower along the way.

And again, like some of the others have said, I never used to like drinking plain water either, but now if I'm thirsty or it's a hot day, I crave it. After a bit, if you think of hydrating with a pop or cordial, you will instinctively know that it's not good for you and your body will just crave water too.

Drinking pop and that is like putting dirty petrol into your car, it has to filter out all the crap, puts strain on your organs.

On this bottled water thing, it's been noted that the trend in drinking bottled water exclusively has caused a lack of fluoride (tap water contains this, bottled doesn't) in people's diets which has lead to a rise in weaker tooth enamel.

Saying that, tap water is a quite iffy. Seen a program where they sampled tap water and what trace elements they found it it; things like: cocaine, oestrogen, painkillers and other strong prescription drugs which the sanitisation process doesn't get rid of; so maybe one of those filter jugs is a good idea!!!

If you get the right mental attitude and lose the sugar habit for water and straight tea/coffee or green tea, then I absolutely guarantee you that in a few months you will be exalting the benefits of water too, not only that, dropping pop alone from your diet will show a significant improvement on your waste line and other health benefits ;)
Try putting some Lemon or Lime juice in your water thats what I do in work theres always a little jiff lemon sitting in the fridge makes it taste alot better and has added health benefits too.