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Xtreamer or WDTV


See if I attached at internal HDD to xtreamer or a WDTV live would it act like a NAS. Dont know if thats a obvious question or not.

I currently have a NAS Fat32 HDD connected to my router which allows me to transfer 4gb+ file size from my laptop to it. I use this to stream direct to my ps3.

Now, I am getting 2 of either of the above for 2 rooms, but using wireless G some 1080p can be choppy due to the wireless transfer rate.

So basically I am wondering if you can transfer the file via lan to the HDD on the extreamer or WDTV so that you play direct from the internal drive and not stream wireless via network.

Also does WDTV or Xtreamer support NTFS HDD? or is it Fat32 HDD

Does that make sense ?
Yes you could do that Chris, the Xtreamer works just like any other network device, if you have stuff on your nas then you can transfer it to XT in bedroom, then watch directly from the internal or external hdd.

You can even watch stuff from one Xtreamer on the other one.

Xtreamer supports fat32 and ntfs.

I am a big fan of the Xtreamer, it really has come on leaps and bounds since I 1st got and theres more to come. It has a great internet section with has loads of daily updated streams (including HD streams), it also has all the freeview channels and sports streams like Aljazeera and has over 40,000 internet radio stations and lots of skins to choose from. And for the pervs...theres porn streams aswell...:proud:

btw m8, theres an Xtreamer Pro being released in a few weeks, unfortunatley you are a couple of weeks late for ordering at special price (99 euros). It is 149 euros now, unless you have bought an Xtreamer before, you would still get the special price until end of April.
More memory and it can hold 2x2gb hdd's.

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Cheers mate.

Think I will get my self the old version and the weans the pro for the extra capacity.
Theres not going to be much between the old and new, besides a wee bit more memory, some hd gui images and more storage space, I reckon both firmwares will be very similar.

Rememeber they are NOT Nas drives, they don't have all the functionality of a Nas but they are network drives which suits your needs.

I have the Etrayz Nas drive but I never turn it on, don't think I need it so I don't use it, just bought it cos it was cheap...lol
Thats cool, just was wondering if it would act like a nas for data transfer via lan as opposed to streaming from the nas or laptop its self.

My nas the now is mainly for the laptop backup and storage of all weans films & pics.
I have the Etrayz nas as I said and I used to copy stuff from it to Xtreamer and vice versa.

I have 2 Xt's, one in living room and one in daughters bedroom, she doesn't even bother connecting an hdd's to hers and just watches stuff from the living room Xtreamer hdd on her Xtreamer and sometimes on her laptop.

Lots of skins to choose from, theres a nice Gers one I am sure you will like...lol

Or you can request a different one if you like.

Skins - Xtreamer
I here the fans are noisy on the xtremers or has this been solved now?

They are not that bad but you can get it with a factory fitted side cooler and turn fan off or just fit it yourself (very very easy to do). I fitted one and have fan off, no issues at all.
They are not that bad but you can get it with a factory fitted side cooler and turn fan off or just fit it yourself (very very easy to do). I fitted one and have fan off, no issues at all.

That one of the tings i didn't like about the company.

When i browse their forums etc you see all this about cooling etc.

I personally think they had a cheek charging for the cooler when it was a design fault to begin with.
for £112 posted on ebay i got a xtreamer with the wifi antenna and the cooler, i cant even here it running :)
Thx jaffa seriously thinking of going for one of these my hdx1000 nmt is giving me nothing but greef
I love mine, even though the fan has gotten a bit noisy. I'm waiting for a new memory card to come for the camera so I can make a video of the noisy fan and they'll sort something out for me.

That said, even with this issue, I'd still buy another one. (Will buy another one in fact) I'll just not opt for the WiFi this time, but get the cooler instead.

Best bit of kit I bought since my ReadyNAS drive.
Can you buy with the side coolers fitted dont really fancy doing myself, i brake everything i pull apart
