Linux which version to start as newbie

I'd definitely recommend Ubuntu as a good introduction to linux. Very user friendly and a breeze to use.
Another vote here for Ubuntu. Try and do as much as you can via SSH too

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if you are a beginner as the other have stated you cant go wrong with ubuntu, the safety of a GUI and the bonus of a terminal for you to practice and learn the commands :)

Is it something in particular you are looking to build or purely to familiarise yourself?
I really liked Linux mint it was the first one I tried when dipped my toe into Linux
I think also that Ubuntu is good as starting distribution
Linux Mint MATE is set up pretty well by defaults for people familiar with windows, Ubuntu might be different enough to kinda confuse some people, but they're both pretty easy to use.

Other people like Zorin or ElementaryOS, so maybe worth trying as well. Good thing with most Linux distros you don't have to install them to try them out, just boot to live dvd or usb and see what works for you.

For me, I think Mageia is easier than Unbuntu. Its graphical interface allows practically everything without going through a console. There are fewer defects and fewer new versions but the community is more restricted.
I like Linux Mint Mate, have all codecs, and allmost the sofware that i need. I use it on 3 laptop and 1 desktop without any error. On 1(Acer Aspire E5-573-50JK or IK) from 3 laptop I tested windows 10 and I contorized 786 errors in 4 day of use. :) and 8 BSOD :)))))(it was installed just windows, and the drivers that found in windows update).
Another vote for Ubuntu but I started from Fedora couple of years ago.
I think if a user come from Windoz then the best solution is Ubuntu