Where to add clines details for Enigma on Amiko Alien 2

I tried that the first time and it didn't work I tried it there again and it worked happy days? Any idea where I add my cline into? or what I click into on that page?
I have gone into readers and have entered my cline information which I think I have done correctly but when I go back out to the menu it says the status is off. I even restarted the menu but it still says its off? did I input something wrong?
When I go to try get into the oscam webif it doesn't let me do it? like when I put in the four 8's it doesn't load. A webif does come up when I just put in the ip, but it looks nothing like the one is videos?

You probably just downloaded oscam but didn't enable/start it. As for the rest, see below.Might have a slightly different look as this was taken with a diff oscam version but the steps are the same. When you have saved this on your box go to Menu>Setup>Softcam>Softcam Manager and restart the oscam


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Nice simple explanation plassy32. Just what I was looking for to get started.
The VIX4E2PROJECT image is compiled from scratch by myself and in my own time and is based on OpenViX, OpenATV and OE-Alliance sources with a little of my own flavour to try and make the end user experience more about what the majority seem to want rather than daily updates, that's become my idea in any case and most surely not some bloated image, it's all an addons server under my own control including image backup and restore and online flashing. You wouldn't need worry about an online update simply because that's exactly one of the things I've highlighted as an issue in the past with other images hence I have taken this out of VIX4E2PROJECT and extensively tested backups, restore and online flashing.

You seem to have taken a quote straight out the Phoenix hand book there but I will just say I'm not remotely interested in getting involved in politics, I left that behind many years ago now, so use it, don't use it, the choice is entirely yours but I am sure (hope) many will be more than pleased with what they get.

I have new builds compiling as we speak including a few new models which if all goes well will be out fairly soon, but V5 is still the latest version as we speak and working very well on the A2+. I won't upload the current images here just yet as it's so close to a new release now I hope but when they are ready I'll be sure to upload them here next time round for all to try if they wish.

Hi Lavaman,

I am going to give this image a go. Are there any issues with wireless drivers? Specifically, I have a wireless USB NIC with the
Realtek-RTL8192CU chipset. I have tried a few different images over the past year, HDMU, Hyperion and finally settled on Open ATV but have always had issues getting the wireless NIC up and running. I usually have to plug into the LAN over the wired NIC first, get my external disk mounted via SSH, do the service searching, and install plugins with the wirelss USB giving me the most trouble!

Does your image come with wireless drivers available in the plugins-extensions section?

I usually have to restore or rebuild my OpenATV image every few months so I'm looking for a new image to test out. Any advice on the wireless would be appreciated.

I do actually do things a little different on USB Wi-Fi dongles than other OE-Alliance based images, simply because they have a 'wireless pack' that is part of OE-Alliance by default which on the face of it sounds great but I have found having several wireless drivers installed at once sometimes means the wrong driver is picked up and used which results in your Wi-Fi dongle showing and looking like it should all work but not actually connecting to any type of secured network, only open ones....

That sounds like that might have been what you have come across in the past but to explain then ViX4E2PROJECT has ONLY the rt3070 driver built in by default (nothing else hence no chance of conflicting drivers). This is the driver that is required for ALL Amiko USB Wi-Fi dongles, the fully working driver!

So if you have the Amiko dongle then it will be ready to plug in and use from out the box. If you have another type of dongle (that needs another driver) then you will first need to install the driver but once you have this should work fine (and should be available from the addons server if it is on other OE-Alliance based images) but because I don't have this 'wireless driver pack' installed it means you should get the right driver for the right Wi-Fi dongle, hence it will connect and work everytime!

Please give it a try out and see how you get on, the latest version is Version 2.2 Build 007-blue+ - I'm away for most of this week in a few hours from now but will be back hopefully Friday so if you come across an issue with something Wi-Fi related we can have a look at it from Friday onwards if needs be.
Wow! Thank you for such a detailed response, I wasn't expecting that! That sounds good, I'll definitely give it a go tonight or Thursday (am out Wednesday), when I can get some alone time with the box. I'll need to wait until 'she who must be obeyed' is not watching anything.

That issue you mentioned about not connecting to a secure network is something that rings a bell. I think I came across that issue on my travels with one of the images before.

I'll give Version 2.2 Build 007-blue+ a spin this week at some stage and see how I get on. If there is anything about the install that may help other users with an Amiko Alien2+, I will post the tips.

Thanks again!
Took a backup of the existing image, so going to give 2.2 Build 007-blue+ a go today. Will let you know what I think of it afterwards.