The Daily Cost to the UK for being in the EU.


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2006
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Still Lost and Looking for a Better Place.
Did you know that it costs the UK £28 Million every single Day !!!!!!
We pay in £50 Million a Day and we receive back benefits that equate to £22 Million a Day.
That is £18.5 Billion a Year with a pay back of £8.1 a Year, so it costs the UK £10.4 Billion a Year to be part of the EU !!!!

We're paying £50m a day to the EU: Britain's contribution to Brussels rises to £18.5bn | Mail Online

I'm not even sure we get £8.1 billion back. When that question is asked, the answer is always "complicated" or "difficult to estimate". Politician speak for no idea really.

I think of Britain now as an overloaded lifeboat, chained to the Titanic ! Still, there may be light at the end of the Euro Tunnel, don't remember having a choice about that
either. All I want is a return to what I voted for in the referendum in 1975 (even then retrospectively), the EFTA, later EEC.

I would prefer that option in a forthcoming referendum, but it won't be there. I wonder why not? Other than that, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet.
Bet you won't see that printed in the Mirror.

They'll be printing something about the £28M the royals cost or how leaving the EU will kill 3-million jobs.
Bet you won't see that printed in the Mirror.

They'll be printing something about the £28M the royals cost or how leaving the EU will kill 3-million jobs.

So much propaganda, which you can't (or I can't) check. It's said 50% of our exports go to the EU. It was 40% around a year ago, I wonder why the increase?

And 50% by what? The same source (can't remember where from) said 70% of our imports came from the EU (didn't emphasize that though).

A trade war on exit?.....If that happens who's gonna lose?......... I'm all for free trade worldwide, no politics, let's have more choice, less cosy backdoor dealing.

Ooo, rant room fodder.:)
So much propaganda, which you can't (or I can't) check. It's said 50% of our exports go to the EU. It was 40% around a year ago, I wonder why the increase?

And 50% by what? The same source (can't remember where from) said 70% of our imports came from the EU (didn't emphasize that though).

A trade war on exit?.....If that happens who's gonna lose?......... I'm all for free trade worldwide, no politics, let's have more choice, less cosy backdoor dealing.

Ooo, rant room fodder.:)

Is that the Rotterdam effect?

"Even at the time, his statistics were questionable. Many British-made goods are routed via Antwerp and Rotterdam to overseas markets. They thus show up in the raw figures as exports to the EU, even though their final destination might be Argentina or Australia. Economists call it the Rotterdam Effect."

Britain's non-EU exports now account for the majority of our overseas sales – however you measure it – Telegraph Blogs

Strange how Japan trades with the rest of the world without these EU restrictions...
Is that the Rotterdam effect?

"Even at the time, his statistics were questionable. Many British-made goods are routed via Antwerp and Rotterdam to overseas markets. They thus show up in the raw figures as exports to the EU, even though their final destination might be Argentina or Australia. Economists call it the Rotterdam Effect."

Britain's non-EU exports now account for the majority of our overseas sales – however you measure it – Telegraph Blogs

Strange how Japan trades with the rest of the world without these EU restrictions...

That's my problem! If we get a referendum, I like to think I would place a responsible vote, based upon agreed common statistical data between the two "sides".

It won't happen, and in the end you vote with your guts, instead of your brain! It appears to be happening in the Scottish referendum.
For you Scots out there, is that right ? I know you're sensitive about names, note NOT Scotch.:Biggrin2:

It shouldn't just be Angus MacHaggis vs Quentin Fortescue-Slimey, there should be agreed data for comparison.

Part of the issue is whether Scotland would carry over EU membership. I assume AS has been trying to get an answer for a few years.
The EU might have a rule to cover it, but they don't really know. If they can't fudge it, a treaty change is needed.
When all 28 countries have ground their own particular axe (via 28 different interpreters) and agreed on the change, a good many need a referendum to ratify it.
I hate to think how long that will take, and I don't think the EU dare have many referenda for some time, if ever.
Maybe 2 years down the line? In the meantime Scotland's in limbo, too small to worry about.

It's too big, can't make decisions before it doesn't matter much any more, and exists to please the inner circle.
I also resent Britain being treated like a local council. Guess which way I'll be voting? Enough is too much!:)