Win 10 Scammers try to trick users into paying for free Windows 10


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VIP Member
Feb 21, 2013
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The Belgian police warns internet users for scammers that try to trick users into paying for a free upgrade to Windows 10. According to the Federal Police the scammers are active since several days. They mail users with a reminder to pay for their upgrade to Windows 10. Payments have to be made with the prepaid creditcard from Paysafe.

We advise anyone not to be tricked and not to pay. It’s possible the scammers will insist several times to pay. You can safely ignore this.”

Those who have already made a payment should inform the police and call the Paysafe hotline. If the balance of the card has not been used by the scammers it might be possible to block the payment. In the emails the scammers don’t specifically mention Windows 10. It only states that the recipient of the mail has outstanding debt for the upgrade of Windows.

My take

As opposed to Microsoft that's tricking (and bullying, and nagging, and bribing, and forcing) users to upgrade for free.

Microsoft's crowing of "200 million devices installed" may sound impressive to the unthinking, but in reality Windows 10 is a failure because if you look deeper, you'll discover that there are ~1,029 million W7 and W8.1 users who have resisted every aggressive trick Microsoft has thrown at them and said NO.
Anybody would think you were talking about different rivaling companies

Windows is windows

whether it be windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 98, 95, 3.1, 386, 286, or even MS-DOS

They are all Billy’s Microsoft operating systems

Whether we like it or not sooner or later we will all be assimilated into one

Resistance is futile

no it aint linux lives on
personally do not give a hoot that lot @ Microsoft will never tell me what i need been biggest mistake for years
whenever linux dies i may concider their importance pmsl
Well I've finally grown a set and started running mint on my laptop albeit from the USB. Which I'm amazed at it's like a cheap 64gb ssd. I'll be leaving windows 10 on it just now for work etc. until I've got the time to sort it out. Pretty sure I'll be finally moving over though. Not impressed with the amount of stuff windows is doing I haven't asked it to do.
was with cpm first then ive been with MSoft since dos 3.1 missed a few versions out along the way ME, vista, 8 and 8.1 and 10.

All my client machines are win7 and 1XP which never sees internet.

I have dabbled over the last 10 years 3 or 4 occations with various flavours of linux i came to the conclusions each time after a couple of weeks that i was spending most of my time trying to find out how to run those windows apps i just couldnt do with out.

it seemed a pointless exercise i was running linux and a windows emulator to run windows apps .......why not just run windows !

perhaps this is not the right place but can somebody persuade me to try again and tell me i wont just be doing the same in 3 weeks time.
Can’t beat windows mate, no matter what people think or say