Problem of GP advice amidst Covid-19


I have spoken
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Oct 6, 2005
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Still not happy with the title but this thread is to show the problems I have just encountered in trying to seek help for an existing condition. No doubt there are other members who have found it difficult and may want to share their experiences.
I would like to add that I fully appreciate and understand the difficulties that this pandemic has forced upon the medical profession and this is not a criticism.

Some of you may recall that I had part of my tongue removed last year. I have been battling Thrush (Candida) ever since, taking various medications for it. I am immuno-compromised so not really winning as yet. Last Sunday I noticed about 60% of my tongue had changed to a very dark, almost black colour.
I rang the surgery Monday morning and after a barrage of different covid warnings was informed a GP would ring me in the afternoon.

He asked me to describe it but I told him he really needed to see it, if not in person then by videochat or similar. He agreed to this but it meant I had to download an app called Whereby. After doing so I was able to go ahead, video from my side only. I think he probably blocked the camera his end. I live alone and found it extremely difficult to position the phone in good light to let him have a decent view of my tongue. My tongue barely reaches my lips, lol.
He also gave me an email address to upload a couple of pictures of my tongue.

He called me back some time later saying he didn't like the look of it and he was referring me back to the Head and Neck cancer team. By the very nature of the disease they are supposed to see the patient within 14 days which may not be possible during this crisis. My thoughts.

Anyway, to cap off this rather long post. I'm well up on technology but a lot of people my age aren't. How would they have fared in my position?
Anyone experienced similar?
By the way I will not be needing the hospital appointment. I stopped taking the latest medication and reverted back to the previous one. My tongue colour has noticeably started to lighten over the past 2 days :) Yippee!!
Just had a phone call from University Hospital Coventry asking if I would agree to a telephone appointment next Thursday. I have agreed to this as hopefully it is just a reaction to the medication but the Head and Neck team don't know this

I am really worried now for those who may have a genuine worry about their cancer returning/spreading or someone just finding a new lump. It's difficult to get a f2f with a GP. Even if you get the 14 day referral you are being offered a telephone appointment by the Hospital. I thought the Government had opened up cancer treatments again.
Sorry to hear of your troubles Chookey,
A Lad who lives a few doors away from me was diagnosed with bowel cancer before we started lockdown. He was due surgery during lockdown but received two text messages saying that his surgery was cancelled until further notice. He phoned the hospital and was told the same. Phoned local TV station who did an interview and his surgery was reinstated which he had about 3 weeks ago.
Chookey, it doesn't sound very nice but hopefully everything will be alright. However, in your position I would go straight to A&E who are still open as usual (in fact there have been questions asked as to why so little number of people are attending) it is then a case of telling them that you are very worried about your situation and need it checked to lessen the anxiety you are suffering because of it. Good Luck.
Chookey, it doesn't sound very nice but hopefully everything will be alright. However, in your position I would go straight to A&E who are still open as usual (in fact there have been questions asked as to why so little number of people are attending) it is then a case of telling them that you are very worried about your situation and need it checked to lessen the anxiety you are suffering because of it. Good Luck.
Thanks for the reply @D 8 RCS but I'm in no need of urgent care. Made it quite clear in my posts. Thought I best add it again before I start getting mentions in the Deaths and Funerals section 😂
Chookey, not trying to put you next to death's door, but these days unless you extend the truth a bit it can be almost impossible just to see a doctor (talking prior to Covid) and with all symptoms now being described over the phone and diagnosed without being seen, it is you that has more idea if further investigation is required, but you still have to get past the telephone barrier.
Glad to hear there is an improvement @chookey , you've skilfully self-diagnosed and fortunately got it right. As you say, there are many who wouldn't have thought to experiment how you did.
Just got a message from an old (but younger than me) friend who has been battling prostate cancer for about 10 years. Recent appointments have been postponed and postponed, now he's in the hospital and doubting he will come out alive.
Sorry to hear that Trev. Is he doubting he'll make it because of the severity of his problem or for the possibility of being infected with covid-19?
I can't understand why life threatening conditions such as cancer have been put on hold due to the possibility of being infected. Both are almost sure to kill someone with a lowered immune system so does it really matter which kills you?

If I needed it I would prefer to be given my treatment and run the risk of infection. Luckily I finished mine early January.
My best wishes for your friend :)
I don't think he's worried about covid19, it's that it's been so long since his last appointment things have been allowed to run amok unchecked. Last PSA was 2000 in Jan.
Just had a phone call from University Hospital Coventry asking if I would agree to a telephone appointment next Thursday. I have agreed to this as hopefully it is just a reaction to the medication but the Head and Neck team don't know this

I am really worried now for those who may have a genuine worry about their cancer returning/spreading or someone just finding a new lump. It's difficult to get a f2f with a GP. Even if you get the 14 day referral you are being offered a telephone appointment by the Hospital. I thought the Government had opened up cancer treatments again.
Thankfully my tongue is looking and feeling far better since laying off the new medication. Just as well really as I never got the call today from the Hospital as promised. After all the excellent care I have received from them this is very disappointing.