My John O Groats Diary


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Mar 9, 2005
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Going to do a diary of sort about my trip last week from Warrington to John O Groats in my truck,Hopefully the photos will be ok although I’m no David Bailey.
Most of pictures will be random shot no other reason hence not all will have captions. (2 LINKS AT THE BOTTOM TO MY ALBUM WHERE THE PHOTOS ARE)
Sorry if the commentary/pictures/caption are not very good or in full order, best I can do at the moment.
Well it’s Monday and 3 fork trucks loaded ready for the off. Won’t bother too much about the trip up to Perth unless something unusual happens.
1ST delivery is in Perth after that for me that’s where this little adventure begins.
Been waiting 40 years for a trip like this so I intend to savour every moment.
Weight wise I haven’t got any on the swan neck which make driving in snow/ice interesting especially with having a 20 foot heavy folding ramp at the back.

Managed to get 20 miles south of Inverness and parked in a nice quiet lay by for the night. No internet connection but not bothered, just going to have a wash then tea and probably read for a bit Apparently it was a bit below minus 14 last night

Passed through Inverness and half way up the hill had the temp gauge fly off the handle so went back to Daf agents in Inverness who sorted the problem,(blocked radiator vents) didn’t need that for the big climb and u bend at Berriedale which I found “interesting”. Maybe a bit different on the way back due to snow forcast.
Well I made John O Groats by 2.30pm only to find (or not to find) anyone here to receive the trucks. Bit of a misunderstanding from the organisers so lucky me a night out at the old john o groats hotel car park.
Enjoyed the journey immensely and as some one said in original post spent a lot of time admiring the scenery. Had to be careful I didn’t admire it to much and drop off the road. Was sunny and clear all the way up from Inverness some could see for miles.
In john o groats you can see where the Atlantic Ocean and The North Sea actually meet; it looks like a line across the water, weird really.
Splendid view of the Islands due to the clear weather.
Nice and quiet now only me here,(there is no one living at the tip of the land just tourist shops etc) looks like I will have a peaceful night.

See what Wednesday brings.

Well Wednesday I finally got rid of the truck so off they set. It was a bit late in the day and I had to wait for support truck to give them some equipment leaving me all alone to spend another night in John O Groats ,still have stayed in many a worse place and it is very quiet and peaceful .Actually spent the day doing this diary and going for a couple of walks (keeping me truck in sight)
Seems the drive down to Lands End with the fork truck is going to have a few weather problems in Scotland.
Couldn’t get the equipment to the support truck till Thursday morning so peaceful nights sleep again.

Thursday morning woke up to blizzard conditions one minute then rain the next, sea looking a bit rough and lost site of the island.
Met the support truck about 9am and off loaded their gear.
That’s me back on the road south and have to say enjoyed my little stay in John O Groats, very friendly people.
Not much happening south bound except a bit more snow on the ground. Enjoyed the scenery yet again.
Arrived at Berridale and a bit different because of the weather but that only made it more interesting and enjoyable. O.K. for all the warnings /needing extra underpants etc for Berridale I found it ok no real problem but then again I was forewarned so acted accordingly. It is a bit different and can be a challenge to a fully loaded wagon either up or down because of the bends either side but if you travel that way anytime just take your time and enjoy it.
Called into Inverness to collect a fork truck and whilst there received a phone call from team Tim that Avimore police wanted the truck off the road due to the weather conditions. I met them in a chaotic Avimore where everything was snowbound, got the truck loaded right outside the police station and after a short wait set off through the town back to the A9 and joined a queue because the southbound exit was blocked with snow.
Eventually got onto A9 travelled south for 16.2 miles and stopped.
That’s the snow gates shut at Newtonmore for the night.
I and a shed load of other wagons set up to be parked up for the night so cooked me tea and watched a DVD.
2 ½ hours later the road is opened and I end up sat all alone on the A9 hoping someone doesn’t come steaming into the back of me. Police then came down say we could either go through or wait at the gates, I choose the gates because of driving /work time. Pulled into lay-by a couple of hundred yards from the gates and had a good sleep, no worries.

Friday 6am woke to find road shut again (surprise surprise) so the 3 wagons in lay-by pulled back onto road and joined the queue. I am for anyone’s interest parked right next to the road sign for Newtonmore B9150 Laggan (A86). Since Leaving Avimore I have covered a grand total of 16 miles (I think) in a day . Still snowing and road doesn’t look like opening for a good while yet, visions of having a weekend away from home looms.Eventually road opens and off we go heading for Blackford near Perth to collect a fork truck and after that down to Edingburgh to meet team tim with the truck.
Managed to get down to Edingburgh and then Police closed the a68 Jedburgh road. Stayed on the road overnight and set off Saturday morning, had a good run through and eventually cleared the snowline near to Newcastle .
From there was a straight run back home. Walked through the door 2pm Saturday.

Saturday 13 march ,
sorted it with help
added more pics and some comments

I enjoyed every mile of it
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not sure if it just me mate but both of them links give me"This album does not have any pictures" ,,great read mate sounds like you had a great time
worked for me but goto my profile then my albums they should be there
thanks for letting me know
Would appreciate a mod putting correct link into the original post if poss
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nope still do not see them ,sorry

Full diary further down
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when im logged in and click on my albums then the jog one it shows all my pics. dont understand it
is there some setting where you can change who can see them ?,sorry can not help much as i do not use this
Gez, in your usercp and albums, when you create an album you have 3 options...don't know if you tried this so apologies if you did.

Each album can have a title (ie: John O'Groats), a description (my recent adventure) and can be of three different types: Public, Private or Profile.
  • Public albums can be viewed by anyone
  • Private albums can only be viewed by site staff (moderators, administrators) and your Friends and Contacts
  • Profile albums are viewable only by you. However, you can use the images to customize your public profile
You can go to Edit album to change the permissions.

Looking forward to seeing them.
it is set for public
just trying another option where you can view them just a little bit more hassle but hope its worth it
please go back to first post new stuff added
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You need an account to view them i think because they are shared through snap fish.
yes its ok with snapfish just open account (free) and thats all no commitment or anything

Some great photos there Gez.

Was a bit confused as to what the blue thing was above the horizon, then I remembered that it's what sky looks like when it's not covered in cloud.

Nice diary as well, enjoyed the read.

You're more than welcome to come back up anytime you like :)