Holiday fling


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Aug 2, 2007
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A very good friend told me his son had a one night stand on hols it wasnt even a holiday fling.
His son said she was a bit of a nutter meaning not all there so 2 month after she messaged him saying she was pregnant. He ignored it as prior to that she had messaged him a few times to meet up and book a hotel as she lives the other side of the country he doesnt want to know.
Now she's back at him saying pregnant again and he's not sure what to do as he doesnt want anything to do with her.

He hasn't replied but she's started to message others telling them on fb. Were does he stand in the eye of the law if she names him as the Dad.
And if he doesnt were does he stand in the eye of the law ?.
Not sure mate,try citizens advice
Ok thanks, if anyone knows or been in a similar predicament let me know.
She mentioned she'd take him to court
Apologies for striking a bum note here, but can I presume from what's been said (or hasn't been said) so far, that he didn't use protection?
Look I'm not going down the moral road debate so lets not hey, he's been a bellend end of.
I'm mearly trying to by finding out the legal side of things for him.
What's done's done
There could be case of Definition of character if fella wants to go down that route. It would be a civil matter and will need reported to the cops as harassment also.
If he continues to ignore the girl and she turns out to be pregnant “to his child” it could get messy for lad.
All she needs to do is declare the father as him on the birth certificate.

He can still deny he is father of the child. But the day she makes a call to child maintenance the case opens from that day.
(not the day of childs birth)

The girl in question could push it more and request DNA samples and she will be supported by child maintenance. At some stage if fella continues to refuse a judge will issue him to supply his DNA.
This can take a long time.
So lets say two years...... child maintenance takes 15% of your “net income” for one child.
For talk sake fellas “net income is £20.000.00 a year, if results come back he is the father he will owe her £6.000.00 (arrears) then pay 15% of wage till child leaves school.

Either way this is not good the lad. If she is telling lies and really is “off her rocker” he needs to legal advise as his character is being destroyed.
If he is father of child he will have to support that child at some stage.
Ok thanks for the info I'll forward it on to him, thanks again
Best to get advise from the top mate.
I have an understanding of it as after a longterm relationship we broke up.
She was asking me for £200 a week.
So i told her to go fook and she went down child maintenance root.
I was paying it for 11 years till my wee girl started working.
There is also a new thing that if you dont comply with maintenance they take admin fee to recoup the money.

If i was the fella i would not be going to citizens advise. This is affecting his character as we speak and “could” financially cost him for a long long time.
An appointment with solicitor is best way forward.
This happened to somebody I know.

Child was already born.

She claimed he was the father and he had to pay about £500 upfront for the test ... turned out it wasn't his and it got refunded.

I guess all you(or rather your friend) can do is wait for the test to be 'required' and expect to pay up front. If it is his, he will not see his money back or most of his salary for the next 18 years...

And the lesson from this: Safe Sex = False names and throw away sims.... :)
Def not me m8 :) I'm lucky if I go the f'ing local nevermind a week in Magaluf.
Like I said, he's been a bellend we know that, and he's been a bellend. After what his Dad told me there's some things that dont make sense and from the messages he recieved they are from a person who is definitely not stable.
Time will tell.
All she needs to do is declare the father as him on the birth certificate.
Doesn't the Father have to be present to be named on the birth certificate?. If not wife said she would have put the window cleaner on for ours he's fookin loaded the fobin barsted
Doesn't the Father have to be present to be named on the birth certificate?. If not wife said she would have put the window cleaner on for ours he's fookin loaded the fobin barsted
Yes should of made that more clearer.
Father has to sign birth certificate, if he does (and i doubt he will) it will make no difference if it is signed. As DNA will have to be carried out at some stage.
This could be all be lies mate. She could not be pregnant after all?
As there is plenty of bunny boilers out there.
When I was young, I had a lady try the same. Little did she know I hadn't shared my load with her, she insisted she was knocked up. We sent her to the slaughterhouse and that was the end of that.