Help PC not coming on


DW Regular
Dec 5, 2004
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hi guy's can anyone help me out here
bought a new cooling fan for pc today and took out old one but then found new one did not fit, so put everything back together and now it wont start. when powered up cooling fan and power supply fan both come on for about 3 seconds and then machine switches off and i need to remove mains supply before it will power up (or try to) again but just does the same again.
i have tried taking out memory and power supply to motherboard and making sure they are in ok but still nothing, it must be something i have done as it was working ok before i went out to buy cooling fan
any help greatly appreciated
larssonn said:
If you have an AsRock mobo of the 754 variety, it brings up a 'problem' similar to that. I do the web maintenance for a local PC shop and I remember the boss going on about that.

What spec is the CPU?
cpu is AMD Athalon XP and it says 27493 in the bottom corner
sempi said:
anyone know of any good sites for motherboard/processor combinations
something not too expensive

with all the probs i have just had thought i would give you another laugh, to reset cmos on my mb you have to put a jumper on not remove one, so i took one from my sons as i have taken everything else to try and get mine working but it was a while ago and like the stupid fecker i am and to top off the day i am having
yes you guessed it
i can't remember where the fecker goes so now his will probably not work when i put it back together and it can just follow mine out the window as i cannot take any more

Sempi it is sounds like you are having a great time.. looking through the posts it does sound like your processor/motherboard is gone.. if your looking for a good budget motherboard etc is good value..:)
Hmmm, the only thing I can say is that the core is cracked on the chip. Even a little nick out of the corner is enough to do it.

Sorry if this has been said previously but the core is the middle square surrounded by little surface mount components and is very easy to knacker. If it is down to that, I would give AMD a call and complain to them until they give you another.

I bought 2 a few years back along with a coolermaster fan. Man, this fan needed Hercules to put the fan clip down. As a result i f*cked TWO AMD chips. Sent it back to Ebuyer, who promptly told me to get on my bike! I called AMD and never got off until they gave me at least one! Worth a try I suppose?!
larssonn said:
Hmmm, the only thing I can say is that the core is cracked on the chip. Even a little nick out of the corner is enough to do it.

Sorry if this has been said previously but the core is the middle square surrounded by little surface mount components and is very easy to knacker. If it is down to that, I would give AMD a call and complain to them until they give you another.

I bought 2 a few years back along with a coolermaster fan. Man, this fan needed Hercules to put the fan clip down. As a result i f*cked TWO AMD chips. Sent it back to Ebuyer, who promptly told me to get on my bike! I called AMD and never got off until they gave me at least one! Worth a try I suppose?!
what about when i put my sons in and the power stays on do you think his might be fecked too?
i am going to try and put his back together just now and hope the missing jumper does not stop it working...
Your sons chip may be knacked as well but you cant discount anything from being faulty. If it doesnt POST eg. give you a one beep, then there is a problem with either the CPU, VGA card or memory.

If you have 2 sticks of memory, put 1 in, try it then swap them and try again. That will give you an indication that the memory is ok. You wouldnt expect 2 memory modules to be gone?

Even if the CPU fan isnt very well seated, it should still be cool enough to put your monitor on. If you put on the PC with the CPU that makes it stay on for longer, leave it on for a minute or two, switch it off then feel the heatsink and see if it is hot. Cold and the CPU is likely to be dead. Hot and I would start looking elsewhere for the fault.

Try another VGA card. I keep an old PCI one handy incase there is a problem with the AGP slot. Reset the BIOS by moving the BIOS jumper or whatever the manual says. Try it again, as it may have been a setting wrong. Put the jumper settings to AUTO if it can be.

If you try the VGA card and the memory in another PC and it works then it is defo the CPU. OK, it is possible for the mobo to be faulty but by what you said it is unlikely.

Hope this helps and gets yous sorted!
just put my sons back together and it looks like the same problem no signal to monitor and not even a beep when the memory is removed what a fecking day been trying to sort mine for about the last 5 hours and have only succeeded in fecking up 2 pc's now, i am away into a corner to cry before i really do smash them both with a hammer
tried sons pc with no cpu in and still does not even beep with memory missing please help someone, i know it is only a couple of pc's but i am ready for a heart attack i think my feckin head is bursting also
explosivo said:
have a look at some of the replys on here

seems to be the same kind of problem your having.

hope it helps.
thanks mate, had a look but to be honest i am no further on
can anyone tell me the sequence a motherboard goes thru when booting up ?
what i am trying to do is find out:
if no processor in should monitor still come on (mine does not)
if no memory in also should it still beep (mine does not)
when i try pressing the reset button on front of case there is no change it does not seem to reboot so i am guessing it is not getting to this stage
usb keyboard does not work (works ok in another pc)
i think the psu is supplying the cooling fan and keeping it running but not powering the rest of the motherboard thus no booting up, is this possible ?
and if so, is there a way to check it
this problem is also happening in my sons pc now (i used his cpu in mine then put it back in his)
i have tried 2 power supply units and 2 power cables also 2 graphics cards and both pc's are the same
i could see myself messing up my own motherboard when messing around with it but not my sons as well.
i thought there may be something wrong with my mboard and it has damaged cpu and also my sons when i put it in mine but as i said at the start should i not still get some signal to monitor if cpu not in?

sorry if i am stating things over and over guy's but this is really doing my head in, have a hosp appointment this morning so been able to have a quick look at it again rather than being at work just now but i think i would probably be better off at
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Sempi.. you shouldn't get any system beeps or any power to the display if you dont have the processor in your motherboard...

The processor is the main component and the PC will not boot to any level without it .. no beeps .. no screen.. the motherboard goes through a series of startup tests (post tests) when it is turned on

first the processor - it wont be able to go any further if it isnt working
then it will check your memory.. if it isnt working you would get some beeps but without memory you shouldn't get any screen up either..

it will then go on to check the video again if it is not working you will not get the screen up . it should give some beeps.

When you swap a processor from another machine you need to be careful that the porcessors are excatly the same and depending on the mother board certain jumpers may need to be changed or you can cause damage to the processor.. i would have a guess that if you are not getting the screen up you have some damage to the processor.. i know that serveral people have already asked but are you sure that you have put the processor in the correct way round and that there is not any bent pins.. and also that the fan is seated properly... if the fan is not seated properly the processor will overheat very quickly (within a few seconds).. in most cases it will blow it completly.. check that there is not any heat grease stuck to the bottom of the Fan.. the contact between the processor and the fan has to be good

hope this helps.. but it does sound like a faulty processor
thanks for that paul01 and i will have a read of the stuff on the link you posted explosivo

do any of you guys know if ther is any more info i can get from the cpu it has a number "27493" on it and also about a 40 digit serial number, i just do not want to buy the wrong one
and what do you think the chances are that if i get a new one my board will not fry it as seems to have happened to my sons when i put that in my pc
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guys just to say thanks for all your help on this, i have calmed down a bit now and have not yet smashed pc's . gonna have to bite the bullit this weekend and order a motherboard and cpu (dont want to just get cpu in case mb is source of fooking the cpu's up as in the 2 already gone) for my pc and hopefully get my sons up and running next month (he can use lappy just now)
so once again thanks for all your input i have managed to get a little more educated as well on mb's and cpu's
sempi said:
guys just to say thanks for all your help on this, i have calmed down a bit now and have not yet smashed pc's . gonna have to bite the bullit this weekend and order a motherboard and cpu (dont want to just get cpu in case mb is source of fooking the cpu's up as in the 2 already gone) for my pc and hopefully get my sons up and running next month (he can use lappy just now)
so once again thanks for all your input i have managed to get a little more educated as well on mb's and cpu's
why not just get the mobo first and try it with the cpu you have?
then if it was the mobo you wont have to fork out for a cpu.
I dont know why nobody has said this, but what you have done is when you originally put the new power supply in, u probably had static and it screwed up ur motherboard and most things that go there. sorry to say. I've had customers bring me pc's which they've tried to do DIY jobs on lol and everytime its static. As for a new computer, dunno where you live but im in london and a place in tottenham court road u can get a amd athlon 64bit pc with 1gig ram, 80gig hd, 128ati graphics card (dunno which) all for 275. well thats what i got anyway. only thing is, it comes in peices and u gotta put it together urself. lol
devil666x said:
I dont know why nobody has said this, but what you have done is when you originally put the new power supply in, u probably had static and it screwed up ur motherboard and most things that go there. sorry to say. I've had customers bring me pc's which they've tried to do DIY jobs on lol and everytime its static. As for a new computer, dunno where you live but im in london and a place in tottenham court road u can get a amd athlon 64bit pc with 1gig ram, 80gig hd, 128ati graphics card (dunno which) all for 275. well thats what i got anyway. only thing is, it comes in peices and u gotta put it together urself. lol
would my motherboard being fooked cause my sons cpu to bugger up when i put it into my motherboard? as his pc is giving me the same problem now when i put his cpu back in his pc
explosivo said:
why not just get the mobo first and try it with the cpu you have?
then if it was the mobo you wont have to fork out for a cpu.

since i have to buy something m8 i am just going to upgrade it a little and pay the extra couple of pounds, so just going to get both mb and cpu
dunno about ur sons one but ur better off just spending a little bit extra and getting something decent that will last u a while without the need to upgrade. next time take it to a specialist lol home DIY jobs usually end up going wrong. im an engineer but i never do my own stuff always get someone else to do it.
devil666x said:
dunno about ur sons one but ur better off just spending a little bit extra and getting something decent that will last u a while without the need to upgrade. next time take it to a specialist lol home DIY jobs usually end up going wrong. im an engineer but i never do my own stuff always get someone else to do it.

ok mate thanks for your help