Ethernet Cable for solo 2

3Com 8 port gigbit switch would sometimes run the connections at 1Gb other times at 100Mb
IAmATeaf 3Com was very good back in the day but its long time gone now and when they did the Gbit no one was even using it so Im not suprised it didn't work well with devices not on the same desk ;)
These days you can go Gbit 100m with any decent switch/router no problem ;)
BTW do you have the genuine box or clone?
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The solo2 I have is a clone.

The problems I described were with my sons laptop, don't really care what speed the solo2 connects at to be honest as even 10mb would be sufficient for what I use it for :)
i considered changing my connection but was not too sure if this made a difference.
IAmATeaf as I said before my clone is 3000km away from me so I cant do the test
what speeds roughly are you getting over the Gbit connection now? is it near mine?