Chinese Food - May Have to Put a Stop to it


Inactive User
Jun 30, 2007
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Getting sunburnt in SoCal



thanks for that m8 :puke:

I usually have a chinese on a Friday
I'd eat it.

How can we eat pigs, cows, lambs etc yet be turned off by a nice piece of rat?!

My old boss was chinese, he told me once he'd eat anything and the only thing he'd ever turn his nose up at was seaweed (the real stuff, not the cabbage stuff) - adding to that he has eaten monkey brains straight from it's head in a mongolian restaurant somewhere abroad and I'm sure he said Alsation although I thought I had mis-heard him at the time!
My old boss was chinese, he told me once he'd eat anything and the only thing he'd ever turn his nose up at was seaweed (the real stuff, not the cabbage stuff) - adding to that he has eaten monkey brains straight from it's head in a mongolian restaurant somewhere abroad and I'm sure he said Alsation although I thought I had mis-heard him at the time!

yuk!!! reminds me of indiana jones!
I dont know if anyone has watched born survives, but they guy ate goats balls, I would have rat mean over any goat balls. rat probally tastes like chicken anyway.
I dont know if anyone has watched born survives, but they guy ate goats balls, I would have rat mean over any goat balls. rat probally tastes like chicken anyway.

yea i watched that 1, first they had to pull the balls off a live, yea not dead goat first - they said it was so the bad goats wouldnt bread and make more bad goats or sumfin
I remember quite some time ago watching this documentary on chinese food, where they

showed a cat being dipped into boiling water, then skinned whilst it was still alive, the

main thing I remember clearly was the definition of food for chinese

was 'anything that moves'
I remember quite some time ago watching this documentary on chinese food, where they

showed a cat being dipped into boiling water, then skinned whilst it was still alive, the

main thing I remember clearly was the definition of food for chinese

was 'anything that moves'

thats fecking discusting