chat room



great site here keep it up

but the chat room sucks no wonder nobody gos there is there any chance off a good one i logged on there was writing all saying tech stuff then i was there for 5 mins trying to work it out
what do you mean m8 the buttons ???? or writing on the actual chat screen ???

we do plan to have a much better chat room and to be honest @ the momment we are trying to move the server completely <img src="smile.gif" border="0"> so it is not a priority but it is an issue we intend to sort out <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">

and thanks for the nice comments

right now im fixing the upload/download sections so 2morrow you should all be able to use this new feature i have added
ive noticed that when you are invited to the chat room the invitation keeps popping up ,even after going to the chat room ?????
yep the message comes up each time the 'forum home' page is displayed, so as you first enter or each time u back out of another area, etc. So this is probably how its got to be?? Anyway, its good avert for using chat room! So maybe put up with it temporary to see if it makes a difference?
.. er.. its stopped.. perhaps I'm not invited anymore? sorry didn't mean to upset you.<br />It seems great idea to me, and we'll get used to it soon. <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">
just tried the uploads/downloads section works a treat..great stuff MD