Audio/video issues via ethernet


Inactive User
Dec 16, 2009
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I set up my brother's new Technomate 5402HD earlier today with latest phantom patch and add on patch. I connected it to router via ethernet cable and cleared required channels straightaway, but after a few minutes sound goes off and video plays or if you change channel receiver screen goes blank or freezes and you then have to reboot receiver to bring it by to life.
No matter what I do with audio/video settings on tv or receiver same thing keeps happening and its driving me absolutely mad!!!!!!!

He used to have an eagle linux box connected up until today and am now thinking that perhaps there is an ip conflict with the router as free to air channels seem to be ok. I have even again factory reset receiver and reload patches but still having these issues.

Could it be a hardware issue with new Technomate?
what kind of router does your brother have, it could be ip clashing have a read of this thread hope this helps

Hi thijss26,many thanks for response, it is much appreciated.
My brother has got a Linksys router same as me. I run my 5402HD without a fixed ip address and not had any problems whatsoever which is why I am totally baffled. I'll try fixed ip later and feedback results.
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My brother has just rang to say that he was watching ITV 1 HD on free to air and same problem occured, i.e sound went off, tried to change channel via remote and box locked up.
Does this mean there is an issue with receiver rather than ip conflict if problem also happens with fta channels?
box ip clash

pull lan cable off
in ip menu
DHCP off cahnge box ip
192.168.1. 200 or more
save then connect cable if hapen just increas or decrease box ip
Sounds like DHCP function not working correctly on this reciever.
Technomate have confirmed that is the issue, however I've a slight problem.

When manually inserting the IP, Gateway and Subnet, I don't know how to remove 2 of the digits, and the IP is showing as rather than the format required.

How do I remove those 2 digits I don't need?
put it in like this
Thanks everyone for your help but unfortunately still not sure I have grasped information.
When I change from auto to manual, subway mask , gateway and dns settings default to 000.000. etc
Do I have to re-enter these values too?
Is there a sticky or tutorial for dumb idiots like me to follow in a step by step manner?
Yes enter them manualy, t0 find your routers gateway on your pc go to start, programmes, accessories, command promt. In there type in ipconfig and press enter. This will give you your default gateway and subnet. Make a note of them and enter them manualy.
Yes enter them manualy, t0 find your routers gateway on your pc go to start, programmes, accessories, command promt. In there type in ipconfig and press enter. This will give you your default gateway and subnet. Make a note of them and enter them manualy.

just having another go now at entering manually but still not getting anywhere I'm afraid.
For example, on ip addresss I want to type in 192.168.2--, but you have to enter a and that is how line remains. How do I get rid of the two 00 before the 1 ?
tell me the ip address you want to put in.

for example if you want to enter an ip address

put it in this way
tell me the ip address you want to put in.

for example if you want to enter an ip address

put it in this way

I want to use and am putting in and doing the same with gateway and dns but when I save and check again it still reads and not Is this correct?
so why is it that when I reboot my receiver it does not connect manually and have to revert back to auto setting to pick up server again.
so in your default gateway setup on the reciever is it entered like this and have you put in the subnet.
yes, I put in subnet and then I also copy the dns address that shows on the auto setting.
After doing all that you dont get connection to server is that right.