Site issues and ongoing problems!


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
The reason why the site has been lets say a little temperamental, is because we have upgraded PHP on Thursday. and allot of the old code in the plugins is DEPRECIATED and throwing out errors, that I am plugging on by one.

My mum had major surgery on friday and is in hospital until monday in recovery now (doing very well), so I cannot get the debugging done as quickly as I would like.

I like to keep that kind of thing private but I know the site must be frustrating you all a little and I would have it sorted quicker, but I just wanted to let you know why it is taking so long to fix things.

Also I cannot visit today until 2pm, so this morning I am debugging all the modifications so things will be OFF/ON until that time... one modification is running MYSQL very high with CPU usage... this is my first job to fix and a priority.

Thanks again everyone but I know you will understand :)

Hope your mums recovery goes well mate, thats your priority .Get the forum sorted when you have time.
forum niggles here are nothing compared to your mum's recuperation, hope she's back in good health soon mate.
Absolutely agree with other posters M8 - Mum is Top Priority. I'm sure everyone here wishes her a speedy recovery, the site can wait.
Your Mum is Priority mate. Site will get sorted in time. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

rat broke it!

Family far more important than a few inconveniences on here mate - hope all goes well.
Thanks for the update mate, priority is Mum. Wish her all the best from us.
no worries Mick, you do what you go to do and put your mother 1st.

hope she makes a full recovery.
Just a thought but if you're thinking of taking a present up to your mum, you could try this....... 2 birds 1 stone and all that if she's going to be sitting around bored for a bit. It's better than sudoku ;)
Just a thought but if you're thinking of taking a present up to your mum, you could try this....... 2 birds 1 stone and all that if she's going to be sitting around bored for a bit. It's better than sudoku ;)

Or have a time off mate and let the other two admin sort it lol......:p
Helluva nice of you to take the time to post that @Mick but obviously yer Mum's priority number one at the moment, hope she's on the mend.
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Just a thought but if you're thinking of taking a present up to your mum, you could try this....... 2 birds 1 stone and all that if she's going to be sitting around bored for a bit. It's better than sudoku ;)

:Laugh: I suspect Mick's Mum might respond like mine lol (I know that was tongue in cheek M8).

I'd told her the latest family pics were on my website and she called to say she couldn't get on. Yeah, did an update and got deprecated calls to sort :(

What's that mean she said. Oh, the developers of that bit of the program decided there was a better way of doing stuff (trying not to get too technical).

Her reply floored me as (perfect female logic) she said "Just like your Father".


"Typical man", she said, "always mended the car on Sundays, that's why we never went anywhere on Mondays. It would never start."

That's deprecation for you in a nutshell.
