YWeb 2.0 is out

devilfish said:
Just out of interest...how do you go about translating things like this?

I would give it a go but don't know how!

If you dowload the tar file and un-tar it you will end up with a directory including the files and the install.sh file

After you made your changes via an Editor software you will need to cd into the directory containg the install.sh file and type the following command:

tar -cvf ./name of the new updated version.tar install.sh files
Please include yours and YJogols name as the creator within the /files/httpd/Y_Version.txt

(All info as usual from my helpfile ;-) )

I made a mistake uploading the YWeb 2.0 as I renamed the tar into rar to make the board software accept it but I did not tell you guys to rename it after...
Thanks PT-1. I didn't realise it would be such a big job! I'll maybe try them I get some spare time!
streaming over the internet using yweb 2.01

birkenhead said:
This is great news... streaming it to my office will good fun!

Are you going to do a translation to english for us!

How would you go about streaming it to your office ?
English Translation is done (Downloads)

Forward to your Office Ip Address

Most modern routers enable a DYN Dns so you can translate a ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx into a www.blahblah.net addy

Or you can find out the IP address of your office by typing www.whatismyip.com .

In my case I use VNC on my PC at home so I can remotely connect to my Home PC

You can then start YWeb via your browser and enter your Office IP into the Window for re-stream (transcode to make it smaller to use less bandwidth)

Then open VLC on your Work PC and enter the IP of your Home PC and you should get a picture...
the time and effort people put in to there work is great as they complete it and share with all so how can we go wrong with that

the dbox scene has never and i quote NEVER been better

long live the dbox scene

pt-1 said:
English Translation is done (Downloads)

Forward to your Office Ip Address

Most modern routers enable a DYN Dns so you can translate a ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx into a www.blahblah.net addy

Or you can find out the IP address of your office by typing www.whatismyip.com .

In my case I use VNC on my PC at home so I can remotely connect to my Home PC

You can then start YWeb via your browser and enter your Office IP into the Window for re-stream (transcode to make it smaller to use less bandwidth)

Then open VLC on your Work PC and enter the IP of your Home PC and you should get a picture...

Thanks for your help.
Much appreciated.
Yweb 2.0 plugins

I have just upgaded to yweb 2.0.
I can't seem to get a picture on the 'live view'
It says 'pluggin required', does a search, then says 'find manually'.
what pluggin does it require ?
I've also tried mozilla firefox browser aswell as IE6
I've also got the latest VLC with patches installed.

I am using commando 4 on a nokia dbox 2
Can anyone help.
billyoem said:
I have just upgaded to yweb 2.0.
I can't seem to get a picture on the 'live view'
It says 'pluggin required', does a search, then says 'find manually'.
what pluggin does it require ?
I've also tried mozilla firefox browser aswell as IE6
I've also got the latest VLC with patches installed.

I am using commando 4 on a nokia dbox 2
Can anyone help.

When you installed VLC did you select the 'activex plugin' option during the install? If not you'll need to reinstall and select this option then re-apply the patches.
You also have to use ucode 0014 for streaming to work on a lot of the channels.