Yoga Postures for Weightloss


Inactive User
Nov 16, 2004
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Yoga can be very, very tough and and make you sweat your arse off from just holding still in a pose. Try breaking up your new year's weight loss plans with some of these. You will be suprised at how much they make you sweat and how much they tone your muscles and build strength.

Just copy and past the pose into YouTube for a visual demo of how it's done.

Source: Yoga Postures for Weight Loss

Kundalini yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline, which is a consolidation of the highest physical and meditative techniques found in the teachings of Raja yoga, Shakti yoga, Bhakti yoga, tantra, Kriya yoga, Laya yoga, Nada yoga and the pillars and Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.

Kundalini yoga is called the yoga of awareness because its practitioners believe that it directly affects ones consciousness, develops intuition, increases self-knowledge, and unleashes the unlimited creative potential that exists within every human being.

Role of Kundalini yoga in healthy weight loss:
With the regular practice of certain asanas of Kundalini yoga, there can be profound benefits in your goal to healthy weight loss. These asanas not only help you in losing your weight, but also help you enormously attain an energetic and metabolic level. Daily practice of these asanas is recommended for safe and healthy weight loss. This article suggests you a set of eight asanas of Kudalini Yoga that help to reduce weight. A time gap of 30 seconds to one minute is also recommended between the two asanas. Illustrations have also been provided for complicated postures. Let us discuss all these eight asanas in brief:

1. Arm Raising Yoga Exercise: This exercise is performed by standing up tall, inhaling, and exhaling with specific postures.
Inhale: This is performed by simultaneously swinging your arms up while your palms are facing forward. Inhaling should be performed through nose.
Exhale: This is performed by brief and powerful exhaling through mouth while bringing your arms downwards.
You are advised to perform this inhale-exhale exercise for one to five minutes. This exercise is very efficient in keeping your energy level high, and increasing your lung capacity.

2. Kundalini Yoga March: The second exercise of the set is also performed while standing. This exercise is known as spot jogging in recent vocabulary. This should be performed for one to five minutes and you should try to bring your knees to fair height while marching. This exercise helps in oxygenating the blood, strengthens your legs, warms you up for the next six exercises and helps in maintaining a healthy heart rate.

3. Kundalini Yoga Jogging: This is also similar to the second exercise, except for the fact that it is done more strenuously. You can take a short halt after exercise three if you feel exhausted or tired.

4. Kundalini Yoga Jumping Jacks: This exercise is performed by standing in an attention position. You jump and put your legs back on earth at about your shoulders width apart. You need to half inhale during this. You have to complete the inhalation when you jump and bring your feet back on earth wide apart. You should clap your hands exactly above your head during the jump.

After the inhalation is complete, you can half exhale and then exhale completely by repeating the inhaling exercise postures in the opposite direction. This is also advised to be done for the same time and has proved to be beneficial for your lungs, heart, calves and leg muscles, arms and shoulders and helps in building concentration and focus.

5. Deep Squats Yoga Exercise: Inhaling while you squat down and exhaling while you stand up is all this exercise comprises of. Continuing the process of squats for the duration of one to five minutes helps build vitality and virility. The exercise also helps in strengthening the thigh and buttock muscles.

6. Kundalini Yoga Archer’s Pose: To practice this exercise, you have to stand in the pose of an archer who is about to fire his arrow. Now put your weight on the left leg stretching your right thigh. After half the time, reverse the posture. While doing the exercise you have to focus your attention on the fist of your forward hand. This exercise is not advised to be performed more than three minutes per side. If performed regularly, this exercise helps in building concentration and mental focus and also eliminates stress.

7. Pop Corn Exercise: This posture is performed after you lie on your back. You need to bring your knees towards the chest by bending your legs while your back is resting against the floor. You have to hold the knees with your hands wherein right hand holds the right knee and left hand grasps the left one. Now just try to pop yourself from the ground like popcorn. You will not be able to rise even a bit but the force exerted will strengthen your abdominal muscles to a great extent. This exercise is also advised to be performed for one to five minutes like the previous ones. Apart from the benefit to the abdominal area, this exercise helps maintain the stamina and overall body strength. Performing this exercise on soft surface is recommended.

8. Shake and Frame Exercise: This posture is performed by sitting in a comfortable position with legs crossed. You have to shake each and every body part of yours above the hips including arms, chest, head, shoulders, etc. Power breathing should be done during the exercise that is advised to be performed for one to five minutes. It helps in detoxifying the complete body system. This being the last physical exercise of this set of exercise can also be done while listening to music.

9. Shav Asana: After doing the above mentioned eight exercises for about half an hour, you should relax your body by practicing Shav asana. In this posture, you lie on your back with arms extended about six to twelve inches away from the body. With each breath, try to visualize the body shape that you want to achieve. This helps you keep the spirits high and continue with the strenuous exercises regularly. Shava asana is the best way to help your body imbibe the benefit from the other exercises. It helps your body to heal and rejuvenate itself.