Yellow Brick

Dream Unlocker

Inactive User
Oct 19, 2007
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What it is is my yellow brick i brought about 1/2 a year ago and its been working fine since apart from me tightening the yellow controlers too much on the first day and snapping it but i left it since and its been ok for a while until now. I opened it up and opened the silver box inside the yellow plastic cover and where the two yellow controlers are theres a green box with a little plastic thingy not too sure what its called it moves up and down when you adjust the signal power it has a crown attached to it so its a plastic thing with small metal plates attached to it 4 of them that move up and down when you adjust the signal. All of them have broke because they were bent i tried the do it your self technique to straighten them and then the inevitable happened and i broke them totally and now my dm 500c its connected direct , but singal is lower 93% on some channels with booster on it was 95%/96% i was wondering do i have to buy a new booser or can someone guide me in finding those fragile little plastic controlers ... You must know what it is if you've opened this yellow brick before.
I opened mine up and had a look, it appears to be a potentiometer/trimmer (be warned I suck at electronic engineering), I don't understand the 22db though if it is just a pot?

On the side it says FD 75 Ohms 22db.

I looked on farnells web site and google images but couldn't find a match, sorry. I'm no expert though, someone else might be able to find a replacement. And if it really is just a simple potentiometer then you should be able to find a replacement that does the job but doesn't look the same. Or just replace it with a resistor.