Wipe History v2.0 – Wipe Your PS3 Sony’s Ass


Hates everyone equally!
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Woodlands Cemetery,Scarborough overlooking the sea
smokin has made a good homebrew app where it can clean up your PS3′s history so that Sony doesn’t know what you has been jailbreaking around. It’s good if you want stay under the radar and minimize the risk of your PSN account getting a ban.

This is my first ps3 homebrew app, it clears your history (ie.,boot_history.dat) so sony doesnt know what games or homebrew you have ran.

Most homebrew apps in .pkg form use an id which goes to a file that gets uploaded to sony when you sign into psn, obviously homebrew apps have their own id that sony doesn’t recognize which could potentially get you banned.

This app clears that history so just run it after you run homebrew, It will do ALL accounts on your ps3.

When you run it the screen will go black then return you to the xmb.

UPDATE: Get version 2 it deletes pushlist too which is also sent to sony The files are in dev_hdd0/vsh/pushlist/patch.dat and game.dat

Source: PS3Hax via PS3-Addict

How would this work after using a backup manager?

The first time you run a game it will often download an update from psn so would running this inbetween selecting the game and then running it via the disk icon work?
dont think its for the games tbh. i think its because any homebrew you use uses a pkg that is sent to sony, any non sony pkg's will or maybe flagged.

the game you play wont flag or shouldnt as it will have the right name attached to it.

so this tbh is to run after you load your game to xmb.

so never use auto sign in... run your homebrew or manager..select game it exits to xmb.... run wipe history it will wipe the fact you just used a pkg that sony dont use.

start game as normal.. sign in...

thats the general idea as far as i read it.

basically you sign in to psn it sends the info to sony... so if you dont sign in then run your manager to get your game to xmb the run wipe theres nothing to send to sony.

then sign in and boot game or boot game and sign in.

only thing that could be sent is the game your playing which will have a legit id against it the bles whatever.

im not 100% on it but thats the way i understand it works.
noone is 100% on how it all works except sony as there havent been any bans / warnings yet, also we have all proberly been flagged in one way or another before this history cleaner came out anyway :p lol
noone is 100% on how it all works except sony as there havent been any bans / warnings yet, also we have all proberly been flagged in one way or another before this history cleaner came out anyway :p lol

i might live to regret saying this but i honestly dont think they have, i dont think they ever imagined there system would be so wide open so never had anything in place to combat it.

im sure the next firmware will have something but its in vain at that point as it will be seen and countered for sure.
i might live to regret saying this but i honestly dont think they have, i dont think they ever imagined there system would be so wide open so never had anything in place to combat it.

im sure the next firmware will have something but its in vain at that point as it will be seen and countered for sure.

That's why I reckon the PS4 release has just been sped up by at least a couple of years due to this hack. Only a hardware revision will sort it and tbh I don't think they'll do it for the PS3 as what can they possibly add to it to entice people to buy it ? add to that the fact that they've already released the Slim and PS3 competition with 360 wasn't due to hardware alone....but PS4 on the other hand I expect will be water tight when released and mind blowing all over again. Also obviously Sony will want a good head start next time because evidently the first party out tends to lead the way if not dominate.
That's why I reckon the PS4 release has just been sped up by at least a couple of years due to this hack. Only a hardware revision will sort it and tbh I don't think they'll do it for the PS3 as what can they possibly add to it to entice people to buy it ? add to that the fact that they've already released the Slim and PS3 competition with 360 wasn't due to hardware alone....but PS4 on the other hand I expect will be water tight when released and mind blowing all over again. Also obviously Sony will want a good head start next time because evidently the first party out tends to lead the way if not dominate.

I think whatever Sony decide to do we can all agree on one thing, its going to be big news!

Or maybe they'll just carry on I mean the Wii is still alive and kicking and that's been hacked for ages
I think whatever Sony decide to do we can all agree on one thing, its going to be big news!

Or maybe they'll just carry on I mean the Wii is still alive and kicking and that's been hacked for ages

Yeah and 360...in fact I might well be wrong on this one but are Sony the only ones taking people to court or did Microsoft do it too when the 360 was initially hacked ? I don't think Nintendo have had hackers in court either - but again I could be wrong.

To be perfectly honest I think a hell of a lot of things in gaming is A) overstated and B) overrated - including piracy, online play too which is the new goldmine, but especially the costs to make games....not saying smaller companies don't suffer if they make a shit game or misjudge the market or audience but there's no way in hell any game costs as much as a big budget Hollywood movie to make - and even if it did the games cost so much by comparison to movies that the argument is dud anyway and there's uber mark up for any decently successful game. 1 game at £40 sells 1 million copies and that's £40 million quid straight away. And yet for movies Hollywood can afford to churn out shoddy remakes year upon year because creativity has all but dried up....taking an old classic and chucking a bunch of money at it doesn't work but that's a whole other subject. In any case their budgets are much higher and they get less at the box office run, less from the dvd & blu-ray sales and even if you combined all three for a movie there you might be approaching the £40 marker.

It's crazy what they charge for games and then they've the cheek to make out like piracy is crippling the industry when 70% of gamers around the world if not more choose to purchase legit anyway. Apparently. That's another thing that makes me laugh all them yank hypocrites talking of pirates as if they're baby killers lmao like they've never downloaded a copied game and 90% of them will have illegally downloaded emu roms guaranteed. Exactly the same thing. I just shake my head and laugh....

Then I rant lol. ;)