Video Game Violence


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Jul 5, 2001
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Violent video games look likely to be labelled with clearer warnings after growing concerns about their impact on children's behaviour.

Ministers are holding a summit with manufacturers, retailers and experts this week to discuss how to tighten the rules governing sales.

Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt said it was important games with high levels of violence are not sold to children.

She said Britain operated one of the toughest classification systems in Europe - but stressed that some parents were not aware of it.

"In the run-up to Christmas we have to make sure these classifications are very visible to people," she said.

"If you buy a computer game you should have a look at the classification.

"I think that computer games are relatively new and most of us did not grow up with them."

Games sales are expected to reach a record 10 million this month, with about one-in-12 aimed at over 18-year-olds.

Anyone convicted of selling an adult game to a child faces a fine of up to £5,000 or a prison term of up to six months or both.