USB - RS232 Cables.


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
after buying one and having a nightmare with it im going to build a step ny step withscreen shots to using these cables. this thread will be edited to bits over the next day or 2 but will enable even an idiot like me to get it working first time :)

digidude said:
i bought one of these as my new laptop also had no rs232 portand i HAD to have one for progging sat receivers, cards etc

im going to write a tut for these as it was a BAST4RD to get right, but itll work with no problems, heres a quick how to:

plug the cable into a usb port, the found new hardware wizard will start.
install the drivers from the disc as prompted
go to control panel
dpouble click system
click hardware
clickdevice manager
click ports (com lpt)
double click usb-serial bridge
click port settings
click advanced
click comport number and change to com1
click OK

after doing this TAKE NOTE OF THE ACTUAL USB PORT YOU ARE USING on your laptop as if you plug the lead into a different one it WILL NOT WORK

you now have a perfect com1 for any program that needs it using usb

