Track your kids' location


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Jan 28, 2007
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Track your kids' location

If you have teenagers, you may be familiar with late nights waiting by the front door for your kids to come home. The worst feeling in parenting is when you have no way of knowing whether your children are safe.

That's why it's important to cultivate a strong sense of trust between parent and child. That means that good communication is vital. But if you need extra security, you can always track your kids' location through their smartphone's GPS.

Zentracker is a simple, free way to keep tabs on your kids all day, every day. You'll have to install Google Latitudes on each of their phones, and send tracking requests to their email address.

Once you've done that and created a Zentracker account, you can view their real-time location on your computer. You can also define known places and safe zones and have alerts sent when they leave them.

A free Zentracker account lets you track up to two mobile devices. The premium, paid account allows up to six, and unlocks other features such as email, Twitter and text message alerts.

Zentracker - Keep Tabs On Your Family
No I would not have liked to be tracked but I guess times have changed – I got a mobile when I was 16 – Hardly anyone had one in those days but nowadays at what age do people have mobiles.
I have seen kids as young as 9 or 10 with mobiles – I think it may be useful in those circumstances but usually no I would not like to use something like this.
also might be worth setting up incase of lose
how many people's kids on here have lost there phones
My children are only 1 and 2 both girls and I worry about it already lol. Personally I think it’s a good idea, obviously you should explain the reasons behind it to your children but if the worst was to happen this could be a life saver, at the very least it would give you a idea of their last whereabouts.
There was a movie/documentary the other year think it was by Michael Moore that basically stated that the US and to a certain extent "western" economies were driven by selling "fear". He went on to show how fear hyped by the media had led people to buy loads of stuff that they would not normally buy eg - survival equipment and army rations, guns, ammo and secure rooms for rich people's houses ect ect the list is endless. This IMHO is just an extension of that - Companies do trade on fear and people who are "spooked" do comfort makes them feel safer and also makes them feel that they are doing their bit to protect their family ect.

I agree with what the other poster said - Just let the kids be kids and shout on them when its either Tea-Time or Bed-time, I don't believe the world is any more dangerous than it was 50 years ago it's just that the Bad Stuff is reported more and in your face every 5 mins.
I actually encourage it, and not just from a knowing where your child is perspective, but also for the protection of what is inherently an expensive piece of equipment in the hands of someone that doesn't understand the value.

Not used this per se, but have always used ilocalis on past iPhones.