Stunning time-lapse footage


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VIP Member
Jan 28, 2007
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Stunning time-lapse footage

Some things happen fast, like a lightning strike or a falling star. You barely have time to register that you actually saw anything.

But some things in nature happen very slowly. From day to day, it's hard to see anything happening at all: a plant growing, seasons changing, bees making a honeycomb.

Now you can watch those changes happen at a more impressive speed. GigaPan Time Machine has collected time-lapse footage of natural and social phenomena from ocean chlorophyll to kayak races.

Most of these time-lapses are part of scientific studies, and each one is accompanied by interesting data and educational explanations.

Note: For now this site only works in the Google Chrome and Apple Safari browsers.


GigaPan Time Machine enables simultaneous exploration of space and time across massive datasets that could not previously be interactively explored at full spatial and temporal resolution. The architecture we have implemented on our servers scales easily to far greater resolution than the current five examples demonstrate.

We now openly invite partnerships so that we can, together with researchers around the world, create new time machines that enable interactive explorations by scientists and the public alike. Almost any content type with massive resolution is appropriate for new time machines, from simulation results such as the 9 billion year cosmology machine to natural phenomena such as the growth of a plant, cell division processes captured with gigapixel resolution microscopes and even high-speed hyper-resolved kinetics such as a ballet dancer’s pirouette. For real-world time lapse capture over hours, days and months, the GigaPan Pro hardware offers a solution that is readily available. The wiki page here describes how to program a DSLR and the Pro firmware to enable such time lapse capture. For high-speed capture, we envision the use of large-format digital cameras or videocameras – possibly multiple devices capturing in parallel.

Following your initial data capture process, we will work with your data to align the imagery across time, then post-process the entire registered time lapse into a Time Machine data format, suitable for real-time interactive viewing using HTML5 from any computer. Finally, your domain specialists can write both general annotations and spatio-temporal trajectories, called Time Warps, that lead viewers through guided tours in space-time. Please contact us [email protected] with questions and proposed collaborations.