Street's Les Battersby to leave


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Jul 11, 2001
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Coronation Street actor Bruce Jones, who plays the soap's Les Battersby, will not return to the soap following his suspension.

The 54-year-old was suspended over allegations he insulted fans during a drunken trip to a restaurant in March.

The soap's producer, Steve Frost, said: "After 10 great years we feel we have reached the end of the road with storylines for Les."

Jones said he has had a "fantastic time" but wants to move on.

Foul-mouth tirade

"I have already had some very exciting offers and am looking forward to what the future holds," he said.

The character will not be seen back on screen, but ITV has yet to decide how the character's absence will be explained.

In a statement, ITV said: "It is likely to be linked to the departure of his wife Cilla - actress Wendi Peters had already decided to leave the show in September at the end of her current contract."

At the moment Les is travelling as a roadie for a tribute band.

The News of the World claimed the actor launched a foul-mouth tirade at the Old Rectory restaurant in Stockport, Greater Manchester.

It was reported he insulted fans and discussed future storylines.

Jones is understood to deny the newspaper allegations strenuously.

The Battersby family arrived on the street in June 1997, immediately making an impact as the "family from