
Inactive User
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Gods Country
SNEEK stands for SD NAND and ES Emulation Kit and uses BootMii to boot directly to a NAND dump on your SD card instead of your actual NAND.
This makes it virtually impossible to brick your Wii, as your real NAND cannot be accessed. To use SNEEK, you first need to install BootMii.
You can install BootMii with the HackMii Installer, available here:
Depending on how old your Wii is, you may be able to install as boot2 or you may have to install as IOS.
If you have to install as IOS, you should install Priiloader, and set it to autoboot BootMii/IOS.

Anyway, once you have BootMii installed, SNEEK takes a lit bit of setting up. First of all download all the following files:

From Downloads - sneek - Project Hosting on Google Code, download, armboot.bin and
From sneek - Project Hosting on Google Code, goto "trunk" and then "Boot2Me" and download Boot2Me.exe. Then go back to trunk and go to "ELFIns" and get "ELFins.exe"
From NUS Downloader - WiiBrew, download NUS Downloader.
This file:
Finally, download this file: SNEEK.bat

Now to organize these files:
Extract all the ZIP archives. Copy armboot.bin, ELFIns.exe, Boot2Me.exe and SNEEK.bat to the same folder as the contents of, so the folder should contain:
Now go to the MakeKeyBin folder. Run MakeKeyBin.exe, type "42" and press "GENERATE" and a file "key.bin" should be made. Copy this to the NUSD folder beside NUSD.exe. Then run NUSD.exe.
At the top of NUSD, select "Database" then select "IOS" then "IOS60" then "v6174". Tick the "decrypt" box near the bottom of NUSD, then press "Start NUS Download".
This will take several minutes. When its done, there should be a new folder beside NUSD.exe, with a lot of files in it. Amongst them is a file "". Copy it to the directory with the other files (ELFIns.exe etc.)
Then run SNEEK.bat. This will get all the files ready. A folder will be made "Copy_to_SD". Leave it for now, and extract if you have not already. Inside is a file called "FSDumper.dol" and a readme.
Copy FSDumper.dol to your SD card, in your "apps" folder, in its own folder and rename it "boot.dol", i.e. copy it to "apps/FSDumper/boot.dol", then run it via HBC. Once it loads, press 1 to dump NAND FS to SD card.

You are now ready to put SNEEK on your SD card. Copy the contents of the "Copy_to_SD" folder made by SNEEK.bat to the root of your SD card. armboot.bin will overwrite BootMii's original armboot.bin
Now when you start your Wii with the SD card inserted it will start SNEEK-emulated System Menu (provided you have BootMii/boot2 or Priiloader set to autoboot BootMii/IOS)

By the way, when you are running SNEEK, you cannot access SD card as SD card, because it is seen by Wii as NAND, so if you want to run homebrew, you must put it on a USB flash drive and run it from there

Thanks to crediar for this amazing tool.
Has any one tried this yet...what size of card is needed?
was on the verge of doing it but had to nip out,may have ago later if nothing else comes up lol

dont think a large card would be needed but would help for running other stuff off it i presume

just read it properly lol

so if you want to run homebrew, you must put it on a USB flash drive and run it from there
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had a little play about today with it


used a 1 gig card
here is my normal menu not using sneek


credit to all who made it
Is it worth putting this on if the Wii has already been soft modded? Thinking this would be great if it was a virgin as it would not change anything on the wii nand but if its already been broke in i guess it still could be bricked???

Also is the tool bar at the bottom of the first screen shot is that a standard feture of sneek or have you added it?

I now want to learn more about improving the Wii's dash board and making my own channels.
i thinks its worth trying as you can fook about with stuff as it uses nand of the sd card.last night i semi bricked my original nand about 7 trying themes lol but sorted it out having preloader installed :proud: only tried one on the sneek nand at the mo and that went ok but didnt really matter if it didnt lol