Sky hack free ppv

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Inactive User
Jul 19, 2005
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not been tested but credit goes to killmind.

This is a very Simple process that not even sky can prevent.
Follow this guide and you will receive free pay per view channels on sky including XXX,
moivesports events, and every thing that you pay for via telephone line
First up you need a 9v Battery (same as a smoke alarm battery with - and + on top)
Now Locate the Phone line connecting your Skybox to your main phone line,
this is the line that Sky provided with your Digibox
Now cut the line in half about half way down and you will see 4 wires green
, yellow, red and black
trim all 4 colours down a bit so you can see the wire inside and join the
yellow and green together
and the black and red together.
Note if you don’t have the 4 colours, the black and red and whatever the remaining
colours should be joined
Now you should have 2 wires of 2 joined together,
put red and black wire on + of battery and yellow and green on the minus -
Now plug wire into skybox whilst connected to battery and go to channel
you would like to order
Select PPV you want to watch and put in your pin number
After the movie or event orders you should then disconnect the battery or
phone wire connected to your digibox.
And that’s it, next time you want to order,
Just connect battery and order then disconnect again
If you have tried this and it didn’t work repeat these steps again as I've had
hundreds of happy ppl
this has been goin around for years mate dosent work mate as soon as you put your telephone line back into the box it charges you someone posted this the otherday aswell

i think alot of ppl will we go again :proud:

no disrespect mate
Raven3k said:
not been tested but credit goes to killmind.

This is a very Simple process that not even sky can prevent.
Follow this guide and you will receive free pay per view channels on sky including XXX,
moivesports events, and every thing that you pay for via telephone line
First up you need a 9v Battery (same as a smoke alarm battery with - and + on top)
Now Locate the Phone line connecting your Skybox to your main phone line,
this is the line that Sky provided with your Digibox
Now cut the line in half about half way down and you will see 4 wires green
, yellow, red and black
trim all 4 colours down a bit so you can see the wire inside and join the
yellow and green together
and the black and red together.
Note if you don’t have the 4 colours, the black and red and whatever the remaining
colours should be joined
Now you should have 2 wires of 2 joined together,
put red and black wire on + of battery and yellow and green on the minus -
Now plug wire into skybox whilst connected to battery and go to channel
you would like to order
Select PPV you want to watch and put in your pin number
After the movie or event orders you should then disconnect the battery or
phone wire connected to your digibox.
And that’s it, next time you want to order,
Just connect battery and order then disconnect again
If you have tried this and it didn’t work repeat these steps again as I've had
hundreds of happy ppl

this sounds like you brought it from ebay?
Yawn lol

If you had read the sticky here then used the search button here youd find that this has been posted numerous times over the last few years ;)

thread closed before the members whos cousins best friends babysitters boyfried who has free sky starts talking about it lol
its amazing how regular this has been posted and loads of waste of space replies over the last couple of weeks. Just look back at the threads in the sky section, most are about this stupid rubbish :(. I realise why most places dont allow talk on sky, its because they get so fed up with the spam, now it seems World-of-digital is the target for this spam :(. I bet all these posts keep coming here and this rubbish will continue until the Sky section is shut down, very sad.
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