Sacrifice style for a charged PSP with Thanko


Janet to us
VIP Member
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Work.... Where else?
A company called Thanko has produced a bracelet which functions as a charger for various electronic gadgets including the PSP. The bracelet will give you around 4 hours of battery life and can be recharged itself via USB computer. All in all, a useful solution to a common problem but you will look like a serious geek while it is in use!


If you're looking for that extra few hours of gaming while you're on the go, and don't mind sacrificing a bit of dignity, check out this Charger Bracelet, made by Thanko. If you find yourself in the middle of an online battle and the internal battery is drained, slap on the gadget and you'll be in the clear. The bracelet (more of a wristband) will give you between 3.5 and 4.5 hours of battery life, and can be easily recharged via the USB port of your computer. Simply plug it in each night, and you'll be set for some additional hours the following day.