Play flash movies on your psp


Inactive User
Mar 5, 2005
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Programs needed:

Flash Save Plug-in - Free

Magic SWF2AVI - $25.95

PSP video 9 - Free

OK here we go

1. Install the above programs as they are listed. Once installed continue to step two.
Note: Flash Saving plug-in will install a button on the toolbar in IE. Which looks like this

2. Go to your favorite flash site (, home star, etc). Click on the Flash you would like to save to your PC. Let it load up and start playing. Once its playing click on the icon on the toolbar. For more details on how to save flash movies please refer to:
which has a straightforward explanation.

3. Once you have the flash movie saved on your PC the next step is to convert it to a format that can be accepted by PSPvideo9, 3gp converter, etc. For this we will use Magic SWF2AVI. It’s the cheapest app that I have found and it works. The only gripe I have is that it’s too damn slow.

4. After you have installed Magic SWF2AVI open it up and click the options button. Select your compression settings if applicable, and then click the directory tab. Here you will select where you want to save your finished AVIs. Then click add files and locate the .swf file you wish to convert. Click convert to avi and go entertain yourself elsewhere until the conversion completes. Depending on the size of your .swf file the conversion time will vary. The bigger the .swf file the longer the conversion. While I have been successful in converting my flash movies I haven’t had time to survey the time it takes to convert different sized files. This you will have to determine for yourself.

5. Now we need yet again convert it into a format the PSP can accept. Once the file is fully converted load it into PSPvideo9 with the proper profile settings. See the PSPvideo9’s help and forum section on how to properly set up your profiles for encoding different aspect ratios (which as far as I can tell is the only factor you will need to consider when deciding on a profile). For the most part you can use the pre-loaded –Anime (0-2hr)- profile, which is preset for 16x9 content. You can change this by tweaking the profiles. See the PSPvideo9’s forums or help guide for details on how to do that.

6. Now that you have saved, converted to avi and then converted to MP4. Its time to upload the MP4 file to your PSP. PSPvideo9 has a built in media manger so you can use this method or you can use Windows Explorer.

7. Finally the last MOST important step……………………………….. ENJOY!!