Sensible Topic Oops, I am in soooo much trouble...

Him Her

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VIP Member
Dec 23, 2011
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North Yorkshire, Mrs M got one of these blood pressure thingies and has been checking herself every day.

It had to come, I was talked into taking mine. Now she's in a mardy because, despite doing all the wrong things, I got 115/65 (I had to do this several times over a week) - much the same result.

Anyone else got one of these bits of kit?
The one I got is the one that you use on your wrist. It was quite a bit out (lower) than the docs readings. I don't trust it now.
Reckon I should get a proper check done then - this one is the same...

It can't hurt, and should be free as long as ther are no drugs involved.

You shouldnt need to see the actual doctor as the practice nurse normally takes your blood pressure.

These home gadgets should only ever be seen as a guide where health is concerned.
My local nurse was a little concerned that every time I went for my pressure taken it was sky high like 155/ what ever it was... tried explaining it was due to just leaving work etc she had none of it so put me on a 24hr machine, that was a right pain said it would only go off every couple of hours while I was asleep yeah right every feckin 30 mins she had it set wrong!!!

Any way my reading over the period ( I was on holiday) were around 112/ 65 or somat daft like that then she turned round and said it was a bit low ffs..

So I say why worry about it just get on with life and enjoy it