More fookin wimmin...

Him Her

VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
Now, when I toddled off to look at father-in-law's plumbing I expected to get back and Mrs M would be gone with dogs in the car off for walkies but no.

She's still here, stuck on the drive. It won't go backwards she says. Unsympathetic as ever I just said, so go forwards. Hmm, it's nose to the garage door so that won't work. Sitting in I dropped my keys on the passenger seat. The gear mech is frozen and you can't get reverse. Push it into the road - not easy with a T5.

Drive round the block and see if it frees up, if not back on the drive and walk to the near fields.

Ten minutes later, no show. My keys are still on the front seat so it's off back to father-in-law for the spare keys. Whereupon I discover Mrs M is phoning saying she's stuck with no reverse...

...ffs, that's why I said drive round the fooking block!

Grabs a tow rope and heads off down the lane. Silly cow has parked in an icy rut with NO reverse. Had to grab a mash hammer and crowbar to flatten the ruts then drag it out...

...the rest of my Day? Don't fooking ask............