Lets hear it for the bull


Inactive User
Mar 13, 2008
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Always nice to see the bull come out on top

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIOQDyF1LKU&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Increible cornada Julio Aparicio en el cuello - Bull Attacks Julio Aparicio (Torero)[/ame]
Excellent and nice post Emarald.

I've always detested this so called 'sport' and glad this happened. Its about time a scared,petrified animal on the brink of death fought back.

Pity it didn't kill him outright. Probably controversial to say that but I'm no fan of these animal killing sports!

Hail the bull!!
Nice one.

If only these w@nkers would try and "fight" a bull without it being doctored first...that I'd like to see.

The things the bull goes through prior to being let loose on the ring is barbaric.

Even when in the ring, it's neck muscles are destroyed by 6 x short spears, and a lance driven in by another tosser on a horse.

It is only then than the brave matador enters so thrust his curved sword into the poor animals aorta.

Ban it now!!!
I always said that Matador talked a load of bull.
This is a terrible so called sport and it is great to see the Bull having the last laugh, don't think he will forget that in a hurry.

Should have got out the way when the bull blew it's horn just wasn't quick enough should have gone through his head.
love it, need for injuries like this. I think most people dislike this sport except some in Spain so is understandable why it is bearable. I mean we have fox hunting here, to me its a same story except the fox is outnumbered and can't fight back!
I mean we have fox hunting here, to me its a same story except the fox is outnumbered and can't fight back!

Fox hunting is a bit of a grey area in my eyes. I've seen all the pro's and cons to it and 'maybe' grudgingly accept that it is a necessity in some areas. But I'll never agree on the need for a pack of dogs to chase an animal for miles until it is physically exhausted and then let that pack of dogs rip the animal to pieces.

If it has to be done then let it be humanely not barbaric.
Fox hunting is a bit of a grey area in my eyes. I've seen all the pro's and cons to it and 'maybe' grudgingly accept that it is a necessity in some areas. But I'll never agree on the need for a pack of dogs to chase an animal for miles until it is physically exhausted and then let that pack of dogs rip the animal to pieces.

If it has to be done then let it be humanely not barbaric.

I think what you meant say is that the fox numbers need to be controlled, but not by hunting?

Me, I like watching foxes at play when I'm on my way home from a back-shift, or seeing the flash of a red bushy tail disappearing through a hedge when I drive past.

But then again, it's easy for me to romanticize about old Reynard.

It might be a different story if my livelihood depended on their prey.
Hunting? There are humane ways to kill over-populated fox areas without resorting to ripping them to bits with a pack of dogs.

Livelihood depending on their prey? See thats what I disagree with. A fox can only get in where there is inappropriate fencing,it plays right in to the hands of the farmers and gets them an excuse to claim even more money.

Let me ask you this. If you went to bed tonight and left all your windows and doors open,would it be wrong for animal to come in? A fox maybe,a bee,a wasp,a rat etc.etc.
In your eyes then yes and if you were to catch it or see it then you'd kill it,same as me.

But all animals,insects and bugs are naturally curious. If you gave them some way of getting in then they will do it. Same with foxes,doesn't mean you have to barbarically kill them with dogs for doing something that comes natural to them.
A lot of the farmers are bullshitters, They've realised they are on a cash cow and prey on it. If they got proper secure areas then none of it would happen.
I hope you're not having a go at me sunshine.

I do NOT agree with fox hunting, yet you twisted my response to indicate that I do.

You said:
Fox hunting is a bit of a grey area in my eyes
I was trying to make sense of what your mealy mouthed post said.

Do NOT twist my words around to make it look like I agree with this barbaric "sport".

Try to keep up, you're not doing yourself any favours by selecting certain portions of a post and ignoring the rest.

(Most of my reply self-moderated in the name of good taste & common decency, further posts may not be afforded this nicety)