Sensible Topic Let me get this right...

Him Her

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VIP Member
Dec 23, 2011
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North Yorkshire
...if one person in the household earns more than £50k then child benefit gets stopped - £20 per week per child Mrs M tells me. Roughly £1200 per year.

Now they propose giving out childcare help to anyone earning less than £150k - about £1200 per year.

Nope, writing it down didn't help. I know I've been done but I just can't figure out how yet!
read it properly dopey
over 50k no child benefit
under 150k childcare
both equal to the same amount so how have you been done ???
sorry i forgot you are senile
Well I know how I've been done. Both my kids have left home, and I'll still have to pay my share one way or another.

When I were a lad, we knew what caused babies, and how to stop them. My wife used to hold the pill between her knees !

Seriously though, thought was given to whether we could afford children without state help.
Conditions were better then, with a choice of steady apprenticed jobs, not too far away. Employers offered sponsored university grants in sensible job related subjects as well. Even so, our own house was the first priority, seen as our own responsibility. We both worked, and "social housing" was not even considered, much less children at this stage. We lived with my parents until we could afford a deposit on a large enough house for a family. It was a 4 bed detached, with a large garden and cost £3,750. The mortgage was a struggle at the time (1970) but we still live in it.
Children followed when we could afford for my wife to stop working until the kids were older. Child care was seen as our problem, not the state's.

I know circumstances have changed, but had we spent this early period of our lives in the current situation, we would simply have not had children, until we were able to provide adequate support. In a broader sense, we need more children like a hole in the head, at the moment!
Childcare payments help people with children already, but the trend towards "willy nilly" breeding has been around for a long time, often as
as means of queue jumping for social housing, securing immigration status, and a general money spinner on a per child basis.

My point is (knew I'd finally get there) they made the choices, and they are mostly responsible for their situation, not the rest of us.
I know are a good few exceptions to this, job insecurity for one, but this is looks like a budget gimmick which may be very difficult to take back,
will only add to the debt / deficit, and is entirely the wrong "message" for the future.

Time to batten the hatches again.:Biggrin2:
...if one person in the household earns more than £50k then child benefit gets stopped - £20 per week per child Mrs M tells me. Roughly £1200 per year.

Now they propose giving out childcare help to anyone earning less than £150k - about £1200 per year.

Nope, writing it down didn't help. I know I've been done but I just can't figure out how yet!

Maybe they are hoping that when the stop the child benefit, a small percentage of them people wont get of there arse and go through the trouble to apply for childcare fees.

Even if a small 3% do not make the change over it will run into millions, just like the stupid bedroom tax some people will just accept it when infact the could fight it and win, the government is just trying to scrape money from everywhere at the minute its a mockery.
It does not help those in households where one partner stays at home to look after the kids.

CB does not stop although they give the option. They will keep giving it and send a whopping bill at the end. It is better to accept the payments and keep them safe instead of refusing the CB. This is because the domestic engineeris recorded as having given NI contributions.
just to clarify, CD does not stop at 50k single income, it tapers off from 50k to 60k.

As for new proposed child care help, that replaces an existing scheme in 2015 were you could potentially save around £1100 in tax payments. Also the new proposed payment will only apply if both parents are working.
I read an article today on sky news...

A stay at home mum has had her CB stopped and is complaining. She says that what she does is a full time job in itself and therefore she should be paid... Ref. get CB!

One of the party leaders responded by saying that she is allowed 15hrs a week free child place for her kid..

Soooo why can't the kid go nursery for free for 15 hrs a week and the mum take a part time job probably earning a bit more than what she would get in CB?

AND... If she did so... Would she not be entitled to the £1200 per year childcare thing anyway?

Or am I missing something??

I don't mean to cause offence by the way... And I'm not disputing that looking after kids is hard work!
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read it properly dopey
over 50k no child benefit
under 150k childcare
both equal to the same amount so how have you been done ???
sorry i forgot you are senile

Not quite right.
The Childcare will be paid to an individual earning under £150K so a married couple could be earning £300K between them.
However, at the lower end of the income scale, if your earnings are low enough for you to have Child Tax Credits, then you are not eligible for the Child Care Payment.
The usual government scam, looking after the rich and kicking the poor.