Lazy Gits Guide To Using Larger HDD With Jtagged console

Midnight Tboy

Inactive User
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Guide updated to correct optional steps.... info why further down



Now I've searched and can't seem to see other people posting this easier method, as all the guides i've come across have you zero'ing the drive, hex editing it to create the partitions manually etc. for if you want (which you need really) all 3 partitions as are the original drives for xbox1 compatability etc

Here is a simple way to do this without having to hex edit the drive. It perhaps takes a little while longer to do depending on how much data you have to backup...but that is only waiting for the pc to do the legwork for you - no major messing around

I did it in a similar way when moving from a stock 20gb drive to a 120gb bevs drive 18months ago, and just tried it now with similar methods and it works perfectly fine. In this case, i've moved from a 120gb drive to a 320gb drive.

1. To start with I had a 320gb drive. It had previously been used with multiple partitions. I simply removed the partitions on the drive (without zero'ing) so it was showing as empty (this may not actually be required but I did it anyway)

2. Connect your 360 drive (modded or genuine) to pc.

3. Launch Xplorer360_extreme2 and click Drive | Open | Harddrive Or Memcard

4. Once it loads the drive, click Drive | Backup Image.

5. Give the file a name and press to start the backup creation. This will take quite a while depending on hdd size.... The amount of space taken up is the full hdd size, NOT the amount of hdd space that was used on the ie 120gb on a 120gb drive - even if you only had 40gb of data on it

6. While its copying, connect your new hdd to the 360, and have it format the drive. It should format fine and show up the full size of the new drive. However, at the moment it only has 1 partition.

6. Go for a cuppa, watch an episode, pick your nose, scratch your bum for a while while its copying the whole image. Maybe offer to make the other half a cuppa and she'll think you're nice for taking time away from the pc (little does she know your stuck in limbo :))

7. Once done, close Xplorer360_extreme2.

8. Connect the new hdd to pc.

9. Launch Xplorer360_extreme2 again.

10. Click Drive | Open | Harddrive Or Memcard

11. Click Drive | Restore Image

12. Browse to the large file you backed up and let it restore.

13. Go watch a movie (For me it took 90minutes on a 120gb Drive - with the drive connected by USB). Wash the pots if you hope to get lucky later ;)

14. Once that is complete....your hdd now has the 3 partitions made. Partitions 1 and 2 are valid, but partition 3 is bad, as it will report as the file size of the other hdd.

15. Connect the drive back to the 360 and format it again. It should now report the full file size and it's done!! yay!!

Optional Step

If you want to transfer over your existing saves, profiles and content :-

16. Launch Xplorer360_extreme2, click Drive | Open Image | then select your original hdd image file.

17. Click on Partition 3

18. Highlight all the files in partition 3, then right click and choose Extract. Select a temporary folder on the USB Drive and let xplorer360 extract all the files, content, xbla titles etc to your USB Drive

19. Close Xplorer360_extreme2.

20. Load up 360 (with the new hdd connected) and plug in the USB drive to one of the ports.

21. Launch xexmenu from a CD

21. Within XEXMenu, browse to your temp folder on USB drive, then select Copy to the first folder. (eg $SystemUpdate )

22. Navigate to the root of the main hdd for xbox 360 and select Paste.

23. Repeat 21 and 22 for each of the main folders

All your content should now have come across with no problems. (This time :))

You generally should only have 4 folders.... $SystemUpdate , $TitleUpdate , Cache, and Content.

Be sure to only copy from them's not the end if you don't - but inside the Content Folder is likely to be lots of subfolders. If you copy from the whole of the Content folder it should copy every subfolder too......whereas if you tried to do each individual subfolder, there is no way at the moment in XEXMenu to select multiple files so could take ages

Hope that helps some of you guys

As I learned the hard way.....what happens when you use xplorer360 to copy the files back over....They DO copy over BUT....xplorer doesnt see the true partition 3 thats on the drive and thinks its empty, instead its as if it sees what it thinks it is. As a result....when you copy files over to the partition with xplorer360 - and then put it back in the 360....the files show...BUT the total size available has reverted back to the old size.

So I reformatted the drive in 360 and that partition showed up as fine again with full space.

I then did try using FatXPlorer among other xplorer360 alternative programs - but they're all very slow to transfer large amounts of data - and sometimes come up with error messages when trying to transfer..... Do seem fine with small transfers however but if trying to dump a load of data then seems very tempermental (to me at least)

Soooo...the easiest and fastest way to get the data back to 360 at the final stage is the manual way with a USB drive and copying it in xexmenu.
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