Phone Unlocking Jethro 6D keygen



Hi Guys. Sorry I`ve been out of circulation for a while (work, work, work). I may just be able to help. I dont have the crack for jethro 6F, but I do have the keygen for 6D...<br />Remember the keys are individual to each person as the fingerprint is based on your own PC and so will not work anywhere else.<br />So I am quite prepared to give you each your own key for 6D. Just send me your username and fingerprint and I`ll generate a key.<br />Hope this helps in some way to solve your probs.....
Why not just upload the keygen for us all to use jboy and then we can all use it!! regards Billy
Just downloaded the key and the armidillo software but I cant figure it out. What you supposed to do?

EDIT: Ok now. Got it sussed. Does anyone think that this protection is a bit over the top for this particular program or what?

[ 09 March 2002: Message edited by: speccy ]</p>
Well i couldnt get the keygen to crack 6f, you had any new info on that allroad???? regards Billy
billy i have been well advised that a crack fo 6f will appear in the next few days