Instant Messaging Programs Increasingly Targeted


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Jul 5, 2001
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As IM technology is increasingly used as a business tool, IM programs will increasingly be the targets of attack. IM security holes in instant messaging programs such as Yahoo Messenger, AOL Messenger, and Microsoft's MSN Messenger are being exploited by rapid spreading IM worm viruses, and backdoor programs that seek to gain control of victim machines.

Another reason IM programs are suddenly more attractive to virus creators is the progress made by anti-virus software in protecting email. "As our defences get better at padlocking our doors, people start working out how to break in through the windows," said Nigel Hawthorn of IT management consultants Blue Coat.

One aspect making IM worms particularly threatening is, unlike Internet worms, IM worms don't need to search the Internet for vulnerable systems to infect. This enables IM worms to spread much faster by simply using the buddy lists of infected machines to find new targets.

There is good news however, instant messaging networks typically use centralized servers, allowing IM providers to rapidly filter out system attacks as soon as threats are identified.

Nigel Hawthorn offers good advice to organisations hoping to mute the threat posed by IM technology vulnerabilities, "IM is a fantastic business tool, but it's also the next hole in the corporate infrastructure. Firms should allow IM, but block file transfers via the system."