has bird flu hit our shelves


Inactive User
Jan 27, 2007
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makes you wonder why the recall for turkey joints: multi : : multi :
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at the end of the day poultry is crawling with bugs anyway selmonale and the like. they are killed off during cooking so why wouldnt flu be killed too??
I was sitting eating a bernard mathews turkey ham sandwich when it was on the news about them having to destroy all the birds because of bird flu, it put me right of my lunch!!!!!!!!! They are still selling the same turkey ham in tescos which isnt right because they cant be 100% sure the stuff is safe.
i was going 2 eat my turkey breast till i seen it so fcked it in the bin best place f4 it but the bin moved so it was defenatly off lol
The recall is most likely a precautionary, but as ever with the media everything is hyped up to cause anxiety within the general public. If the food is cooked hot enough and for long enough then the bug would be killed off. Although I personally would not like to take that chance neither.
what can we eat and drink now every day a new food alert starts
We as a nation should be eating more fish anyway, we're quick to eat too much process food.
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There was B Matthews Turkey Breast slices on promotion in Tesco yesterday when I was there, they must be struggling to sell. I don't think the supermarkets would risk there reputations if it wasn't safe to eat it.
I hope its ok as Im going round my dads 2nite for a meal, his missus us cooking turkey BREAST and I dont want to upset her! should I or shouldnt I ????