Hale police crash car seized from 'drink-driver'


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3 September 2010 Last updated at 14:36
BBC News - Hale police crash car seized from 'drink-driver'
Hale police crash car seized from 'drink-driver'
The car ploughed into the garden and overturned Two police officers have been suspended from driving duties after crashing a high-performance car they had seized from a suspected drink-driver.

The driver of the Mitsubishi Lancer had been arrested and taken into custody after being stopped in Hale Barns, Greater Manchester, on Friday morning.

Officers were driving the car away - against force policy - when it crashed through two gardens. One was injured.

Police said the incident would be "rigorously investigated".

The officers had stopped the vehicle after watching it being driven erratically on Hale Road at about 0215 BST.

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It would, I would have thought, have needed somebody to be driving it very, very quickly indeed to cause the chaos that this has done”
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Russell Lomas

Garden owner
A 23-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of drink-driving and his vehicle was authorised for recovery.

The car was was later being driven away from the scene when it travelled over a grass verge, across the garden of one house and through the neighbour's garden fence before ending up on its side.

Two officers were found in the vehicle. One of the officers suffered minor injuries while the other was severely shaken.

Normal police procedure when arresting a suspected drink-driver is to wait for a recovery vehicle to take the car away.

No-one else was injured in the incident and the car was later taken away after being winched on to a low loader.

The collision is being investigated by officers from GMP's professional standards unit.

The car ploughed through a garden fence before crashing Russell Lomas, whose garden was one of those driven through, told the BBC he was awoken by a "tremendous crash".

"I was very shocked this morning when I was told two police officers were driving the car," he said.

"Because it would, I would have thought, have needed somebody to be driving it very, very quickly indeed to cause the chaos that this has done."

Nearby resident Richard Connolly said the crash had caused "carnage" in the area, which is an exclusive suburb on the Cheshire border.

He said: "We have not been able to get out of our house. The road's been closed - I had to walk the kids to school."

Ch Supt Mark Roberts, Trafford divisional commander, said: "I can assure the local community that this incident will be rigorously investigated.

"Thankfully, no members of the public were injured.

"I would like to apologise to residents if this incident has caused any problems or inconvenience."
Now thats a tad embarrasing, I always thought cars had to be recovered in this situation, no exceptions.

This is a breach of police regulations and what an insurance claim, twoking is a criminal offence isn't it could be a long story investigating this.

I always thought cars had to be removed by low-loader to preserve evidance there could have been all sorts in that car.