Phone Unlocking Get yourself a FREE mobile ?? !!


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VIP Member
Jul 14, 2001
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I have found this little scam somewhere else and thought I would run it by you scammers out there. I am not sure if its possible but it might be worth a try. What you do is order a free mobile from a particular outlet or mail order and under the 14 day no quibble money back thingy you tell them that the service is crap and you wish to terminate the contract. You then send the sim card back and cancel the direct debit - leaving you with a FREE handset. Now can anyone tell me if this will work...??
Hi Skanster.

It can work.

I work for a communication company that did a similar offer. We had many people doing just this. The next time we offered similar service, there was a small clause that stated 'if mobile not activated within certain period, then return handset or be subject to charge'. Obviously if you activate phone you are bound by contract period.

So, check all small print if u try this.
Probably wont try it until its confirmed that the scam works, but thanks for the advise...
Just send an empty box (not the one the phone came in) back. do it in the post office and get a free proof of posting cert. after a while when they chase you for a phone say you sent everything back complete, you have proof.
i few guys i know do this all the time,they get a council house to accept the deliveries then when they get the phone(s) the just leave the house and go to there own home with all the new mobiles
the best way is to get the phone delivered, when it arrives open it up and say the phone was not in the box. (they cant callu a lier)

then they send u a new phone u then keep it for a few days say its crap and send it back

(u still have the first one u ordered)

The only problem is under contract i think they can block the phone but not sure

I know this works because a m8 done this at xmas with an ipaq he bought online

Deception is a terrible thing but hay it's free <img src="smile.gif" border="0">