Free Mobile Java Games

If people can tell me what time they will be online i may be able to give you access.

great list of games there DOS, thanks :)

Is there any chance you could keep the site up for longer periods, so that we can browse at leisure?
Yeh, i could...maybe tomorrow 9a.m. ish...would that be ok for people?

If not, ill put it up in the evening...

yea, i am downloading it one by one....
is there a quicker way to d/l all at one time.....?

unless there is something i have done wrongly...
at the moment, i am clicking one by one...!....

thanks a lot though!
Nope, sorry...they are all one by one.

I may be able to find a few of the huge zip archives i got games from, but i didnt get all from there. I'll do that tomorrow though.

Sites going down in 1 min...

thanks, manage only abotu first 30 games, will continue with it next time,
i still think the best is zip the files to one or a number of files, and the put it in
some webpage, that provide free d/l.. i.e rapidshare/ mega upload.

i can do the honour once i have all the files....

pms me if i can be any help..
Any chance you could bring the site back up sometime 2night??

Thanks in advance 4 ur time.

aw man, I missed out again!

Any chance of it being online same time today?
I might be able to, depends if im in or not. About 9ish if i can then.
Hi everyone

Will you be putting the link up again sometime?

If so can you please let me know when this might be?
