free chococlate for everyboby

Most of the free offers are WAAAY outa date!

Plus i'm too lazy to get two referals :p

But i've signed up under you mate, so your free choccy bar should hopefully be wingin its way to you!!!

tried signing up but not that good a trade, as you have to sign up for multiple other offers.
Got another e-mail off 'em with more free choccy!

These were the offers (links removed, cos not sure if I can psot 'em!)

Get a FREE bar of Divine Milk Chocolate when you take
a FREE month trial with Screenselect.

A FREE Cadbury's Freddo when you join 'The Daily Draw'
for FREE (and get the chance to win £1 Million every day).

And two FREE sachets of Cadbury's hot chocolate when
you sign up for FREE to 'Yahoo Personals'.

Hrm, I might start to take an interest in this... :Biggrin2:
