F1 to be decided by most wins

well bernie messed up his marraige, now its f1.[MAD][/MAD]

even so, he has made himself very rich. and, ultimately, that is what all this is about. and making sure a "darky" cant win the title again. its a long time since i have seen such overt racism, yet few complain openly. WHY?
Ecclestone is stupid: He says his new system would encourage 'gung-ho' overtaking, isn't that what Hamilton did in Belgium? And what happened? Hamilton had the race taken from him and Massa got the win (unfairly).
Ecclestone is stupid: He says his new system would encourage 'gung-ho' overtaking, isn't that what Hamilton did in Belgium? And what happened? Hamilton had the race taken from him and Massa got the win (unfairly).

I did summer internships at an airline that used to maintain Ecclestone's private jet and the apparently they accidentally caught his tail when closing the hanger doors one night, caused a good millions quids worth of damage the story goes and he sued for the money, which I guess is fair play but when you have billions in the bank surely it's like dropping a tenner out your pocket, it's not worth the aggro to get it back.

Seems a right joker, I remember last season they caught him on the start grid for a quick interview and he was a tosser, baring in mind it's the TV rights that make the sport what it is he just shrugged his shoulders and was difficult about all the questions.
Seems a right joker, I remember last season they caught him on the start grid for a quick interview and he was a tosser, baring in mind it's the TV rights that make the sport what it is he just shrugged his shoulders and was difficult about all the questions.

During the 2007 season he was interviewed on the grid and asked about Hamilton winning the championship. Considering all the interest Hamilton had brought to the sport and consequently more money for Bernie, he replied that he thought it would be good if Raikkonen won. Strange bloke!!