Client & Server


Inactive User
Jul 4, 2005
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I would like to write an Ap which "listens" for data on a particular socket and a client ap which attempts to connect and send data via TCP/IP to the listening socket.

can anyone recommend a useful book?

Is Java the best language to use?

Any help gratefully accepted.

i have done summat similar with java, it's fairly easy but it was a long time ago so sorry but I can't help!

aren't there any freeware programs to do this alraedy??
I am sure there are loads of freeware but I am really more interested in the learning process- thanks anyway
mate VB for this would be easy, mind you its been so long i could'nt tell you more , you doing an MSc?
NinjaXP said:
mate VB for this would be easy, mind you its been so long i could'nt tell you more , you doing an MSc?

I agree. Its been years since I used VB so also couldnt help.

VB .net is easier than normal VB
NinjaXP said:
mate VB for this would be easy, mind you its been so long i could'nt tell you more , you doing an MSc?

Thanks Mate others have also told me that VB would be best. I am not doing an MSc but I am working with Corba feeder applications and would like a better understanding of what is going on.

Insane_Jesus said:
VB .net is easier than normal VB

yeah thats true :Cheers:

EllisIsland said:
Thanks Mate others have also told me that VB would be best. I am not doing an MSc but I am working with Corba feeder applications and would like a better understanding of what is going on.

well good luck to you anyway mate, if i do come across something i will pass it on :proud:
Thanks very much, I am really just looking for a half decent book on the subject if you hear of anything let me know