CIFS Client - var/etc. Tomato exporting logs? need a little help

Bit difficult to take it any further without a network diagram. The router is dropping frames from MACSRC connected to VLAN2 directed to MACDST using IPv4 so the first question is what has these MAC addresses?

One is the router, but which one, and what is the other?
Thanks @ jfish, yeah man cool with what this is, have it all working the way I wanna, can turn off all my rigs and the like and leave the "FTP" running etc.

@ "HH"

added the mac address to the router, blocked all traffic, I'll see what that does mate.

did notice the traffic is UDP so most likely some kind of broadcast traffic. Can you block mutlicast on your router
UDP != Broadcast

Although broadcast, such as DHCP, uses UDP not all UDP is broadcast. UDP is the transport mechanism. For example, a DNS lookup uses UDP but it's a directed frame, not a broadcast.
I'm not sure if I should be worrying about it, it might just be "packet data" sniffers and bots and the like, random IP address ranges, or I could kill my whole network and see if it happens but it's to the mac address of the router as far as I can see, Could all ways flash DD-WRT to it or back to stock and see if I get the same results, it be good to find some one else that has the log reader and see what they get.
Why not post a big lump of log with stuff you think dodgy and we can pick it apart?

I think it will prove to be normal network shoite :)