calculate the damage that a rogue planet or meteor could do, visit Impact Earth.


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VIP Member
Jan 28, 2007
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Flying space rocks hit the Earth all the time. Most burn up in the atmosphere as shooting stars, but some make it to the ground - like the one that hit Russia on February 15.

As we saw with the Russian meteor, these flying, flaming space rocks can bust out windows and destroy cars, homes and entire landscapes.

There are many factors that go into how much damage a meteor can cause. If you want to calculate the damage that a rogue planet or meteor could do, visit Impact Earth.

You can select the diameter and density of your space rock, and then specify its trajectory and speed and velocity. Once you've created a meteor, click Calculate Impact to receive detailed information on the havoc it would cause.

You'll see the estimated global damages, the seismic and tsunami effects, the wind damage and details on the crater left behind. Not sure where to start? Load up the statistics from a famous meteor crater and go from there.

Impact: Earth!